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"After we're gone                                                                                                                                                                                                Who will breathe the air we lost?                                                                                                 We leave nothing but our thoughts                                                                                                                              And memories in the dust                                                                                                                                                 So when this body fails to mend                                                                                                                                    And all my demons come crashing in                                                                                                                          Will I start to begin                                                                                                                                                                 Or will I fade away with them?" - ECHOES

Niall was making something for breakfast when he heard what happened. His knife had dropped to the ground, the clattering of the metal on his wooden floors were the least of his worries. His eyes wide in disbelief, he walked over numbly to the Tv. He felt cold dread creep up into his body, and his heart pounded harshly. Tears started leaking from his eyes, and he let out a sob. Niall fell back onto his chair, his legs no longer having the ability to support him. He couldn't breathe correctly, and the tears kept coming. He didn't wish to stop them. He felt as if some part of him was gone, having vanished into the air. Hands made a move of their own, and he turned the volume of the Tv up. It was describing his best friend's death. 

Calvin was gone. He was gone and Niall was in disbelief. 'No,' Niall told himself, that wasn't him. It was somebody else. Somebody else, not Calvin, it couldn't be. He couldn't be gone, they made a mistake. He was still here. He'd go over to Calvin's house and he'd be there like usual, opening the door for him with a smile. He slid on his shoes, grabbed his keys and drove to Calvin's small apartment the two always joked about. The apartment they would continue to joke about, because Calvin didn't go. They made a mistake, they had to have. He ran up stairs, running past the confused woman in the lobby.

He ran to Calvin's room number, only to see his room taped off by police. 'No,' Niall reminded himself, Calvin had to have walked out for a little bit. They had the wrong apartment building. An officer looked at him in pity, for what? Calvin did not go. They got it wrong. Niall collapsed onto the floor as the officer came closer. He prepared himself for the lies they were going to tell him because Calvin couldn't be gone. 

He couldn't feel himself being led back to his house. He didn't remember being led into his own house by the officer. The police officer asked questions, but Niall couldn't answer any. He wanted to kick and scream like a child and shout to the world how it wasn't fair. The officer left, seeing as Niall refused to say anything, and Niall walked over numbly to his bed. He let his body fall onto the bed limply, his movements sluggish. He chanted the same words in his head over and over again, 'Come back, please come back, come back, come back--" He hoped that with these words Calvin would see what pain he was in and come back, and then Niall could hold onto him again.  He closed his stinging eyes, his mind drifting off into the peaceful escape of sleep. 

Warm, thin arms wrapped themselves around Niall, and Niall buried himself in them. A small laugh sounded from behind him, and Niall opened his eyes. He looked up, his red eyes aching. Niall smiled and laughed, because Calvin was right here. He was looking pale, was he alright? He ignored Calvin's pale skin and buried himself in Calvin's chest. Calvin laughed once more, kissing Niall's head softly. Warm sunlight filtered itself through the blinds of Niall's room, and Niall felt so happy. Whatever that was, it was a nightmare.  Calvin spoke, "I'm sorry.." It was two small words, yet somehow they filled Niall with dread. He swallowed harshly and looking up at Calvin before replying, "What for? Calvin, you're here, right? You're right here, you didn't do anything." Niall was stubborn and would never admit he knew where this was going. Calvin gave him a sad, pitying smile, "No, I'm not. I haven't been for the past thirteen hours." Niall froze. No, no he was alive. Calvin was alive.

Niall shook his head, "No, you're not. You can't be. That's not possible." Another small, sad smile told him he was wrong. He didn't want to hear those words he knew were coming. Niall wanted to hold his hands over his ears and block out the sound. "I'm dead, Niall," Calvin spoke those words so softly that it almost soothed the ache that was forming in Niall's chest. Niall shook his head once more, tears falling from his eyes. "Calvin, you're not. Don't say that, you're not, I know you're not," Niall spoke to convince himself more than Calvin.

He only got a sad smile and the shake of Calvin's head. "I jumped off a bridge thirteen hours ago," the blunt words made him close his eyes and bury his head into Calvin's chest again, "Why'd you leave? I wasn't enough?" Calvin started shaking lightly, and Niall knew he wasn't playing fair. Calvin brushed Niall's hair gently, his fingers running themselves through Niall's hair. "I don't know when, but I will see you again," Calvin said softly, and Niall clung to those words with all he had. "I have to go back, now, okay? I love you," Calvin spoke once more, and Niall sobbed but nodded. 

Calvin's warmth faded, and Niall was left alone. He felt cold, so, so cold. He curled in onto himself and tried to sooth the pain in his chest. He held onto those words, 'I will see you again,' because those simple words were all he had left. 

It was three months later that Niall had thrown himself off that same bridge, and his body rushing into the water below it. His soul had laughed and cried and thrown itself into Calvin, he'd never felt better than this. He felt happy, for the first time in months.

He and Calvin laughed as they were reunited, living out their death happily, and together.


Top-quality-definitely-not-utter-shit-updates here, how's life? 

I have an excuse for this being such shit, like the last one, and that's because I'm working on a story. Now, usually, I'd have the first chapter done by now, but shit  happened and I had to scrap my first idea, which had two chapters written for it. Essentially, I ran into a massive problem with the story that was impossible to get around, so you guys will be getting the shittier-but-not-really-because-the-first-one-was-shit-story. Luckily, I had this new concept in mind for awhile, I just had no idea how to execute it. 

I know I should've left my first Oneshot alone, but fuck, I'm a sucker for happy endings so I dug this up from the depths of my scrapped Oneshots and published it. I hope it isn't terrible. I haven't actually proof-read it, I just let Grammarly do its work of correcting me. I just need some more time to get this new story written and published, but I'm pre-writing the entire thing, so it may take time. Meanwhile, I'll continue publishing these each week while I work on it. This new story should be out before December, but it depends on how fast I can write each chapter. Then, once it's finished, I'll go over the whole story again and rewrite things I think don't make any sense, or things I have a better idea for. 

But, if you've gotten to this point, thank you. It means a lot to me, and I'm going to try and get better updates out, I swear. It means so much to me that somebody would even read my work, so once again, thank you.

Song Used| Illenium - Afterlife (feat. ECHOES)

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