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When a Youtuber stops uploading, it can get mixed reactions. Fans can overreact, and they can get paranoid easily. In Leafy's situation, it was mixed, very mixed. The first week he stopped uploading, it was jokes and the angry commenter saying, 'Glad he's gone LOLLL'. The second week, people got concerned. Leafy, Calvin, uploaded daily, missing a day or two if he had something extremely important to do. If he did miss a day, he'd apologize in his video, and let people know he was active and trying to upload soon on Twitter. But this time, nothing. No tweets, no messages to any of his friends on Youtube, even Grade, and no videos. Calvin had disappeared off the face of the earth, and Niall was confused, as with many others.

He and Calvin had a falling out months ago, but he didn't hate Calvin. He didn't even dislike him, more like he was worried whether or not Calvin would even take his apology, Calvin could be stubborn when he wanted to be- which was all the time. There were still some people creating theories, ISIS, an angry girlfriend, suicide, all of them were ridiculous but Niall still found it honestly nice they still cared.

Scrolling through his Twitter feed, he looked on Calvin's- Leafy's account for the second time this minute. Usually, if any stupid theories came up that people believed, Cal-Leafy would joke about them on Twitter, but no new posts were made. Hell, Niall even looked to see if Ca- Leafy liked any posts. Nothing. No likes, no retweets, no posts, nothing. Scrolling onto Leafy's main page, Niall looked at his last post, 'No video today guys sorry I'm feeling sick as fuck'.

He, believe it or not, was worried. Lea- Calvin used to be and still is a good friend, even if they argued sometimes, even if Calvin overreacted at times. He missed his company, the three in the morning skype calls because the two couldn't sleep for shit, doing collab videos for fun, playing Overwatch together, he missed it. He wanted Calvin to be okay, and his mind wouldn't rest until he found out whether Calvin was or not.

Without thinking much of it, he went to an airline website and purchased a ticket for Seattle.


Niall hadn't thought this through at all, all he knew was that he knew Calvin's address, Calvin wasn't posting, and Niall needed him to be okay, to just know if it was a break Calvin was taking, or something worse. He climbed into the uncomfortable window seat in the plane, plugging his headphones into his phone and turning on his music to make the flight pass faster. Even through the noise of his headphones, he could hear the flight attendant speaking about safety precautions, because when the plane was falling from the sky, everyone would remember that shit. As the plane was falling from the fucking sky, his seatbelt will form a protective bubble around him and his personal items. But, of course, the sweaty bald man next to him was fucked, but that's what fucking happens when you don't wear your goddamn seatbelt.


Lifting his luggage off the retrieval belt, he slid the handle up and began walking through the massive airport. Pulling out his phone, he called for an uber. He was going to rent a car, but that shit was fucking expensive. He lived off his Youtube revenue, he could barely afford the food needed to feed his eight children, let alone rent a car. Nearly laughing at his own joke like the sad, greasy loser he was, he waited for his Uber, patiently.

It was after five minutes that the Uber pulled up, some middle aged woman driving in the front seat. Lifting his luggage into the back as instructed by the Uber, he climbed into the back seat and prepared for thirty minutes of awkward silence.


Climbing out of the Uber car, he grabbed his luggage and paid the woman, antsy to get to Calvin's condo. He was right in front of the condo building Calvin lived at and walked into the nice looking lobby. The employees were nice, sending him a smile as he waved at them. He knew what room Calvin lived in thanks to a quick WhitePages search, and headed for room 312. He was desperately hoping that he would not get the door slammed in his face. Niall stopped in front of 312, taking a deep breath before knocking. He was met with silence and hoped Calvin wasn't out right now.

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