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Calvin stared blankly at the blank wall of Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, his room- no, cell seemed to stare right back at him. His eyes held circles of dark purple underneath them, a dull, bored look on his face. His eyes stung from lack of sleep and water built in his eyes. He dares not cry; the nurse would hear him and bring him back for more treatment. His mind was foggy and dull, his brain unused, and he only blinked on occasion, when he had to. His arms were held up at his sides, aching from being there for so long. The long, beige outfit hung loosely on his small and skinny frame. His stomach hurt, God, he was hungry. But any food was uncommon, despite the Asylum getting plenty of money. 

Calvin had been here for years, so, so many years. He was twenty-one now, wasn't he? Calvin thinks so. Ah, eleven years, when was he going to get better? Mom said he wouldn't be here for long, why didn't she come back to visit him like she said she would? Dad, too. He used to come more than mom, but he stopped. Why? Did they not want him anymore? No, surely they did. He does what he's told, anything to avoid 'treatment.' 

Calvin hummed to himself, desperate to keep his vocal cords going. He couldn't remember what song, he only knew the nurses didn't like him singing. They took him away when he did, to a white room where he'd feel pain; Calvin hated pain. A nurse walked past his cell, and Calvin shut himself up. He had a roommate once; roommate it was called, right? But they went away for treatment and never came back. 

When the nurse left, he continued his humming, the screams of other patients blocking his humming out. He mumbled to himself, only able to sing parts of the song before he'd hum again, "Lat bli vara en gemen skapelse.." It was something his mother told him, something she would sing to him softly; to rid him of the terrible monsters and sounds in the night. 

Screams echoed throughout the cells beside him, and slowly, Calvin's will to continue faded. Mom and dad weren't coming back, were they? 

Calvin Lee Vail had died a year before proper treatments were introduced, his parents, unable to bear the shame of a child such as Calvin, left him to rot in his cell until he was twenty-one. Death did not come easily; Calvin died when the doctors suggested they, 'beat the demons from his head.' 


Niall's shoes hit the floor, creating a loud tapping on the bumpy tile of the asylum floor. Roman was close behind, adrenaline fueling their every step. But the adrenaline couldn't help his shortening breath and slowing steps, nor could it help Roman's. Harsh pants of exhaustion left Niall and Roman both, terror filling them as they heard the quiet footsteps behind them. An old woman with gray, thinning hair walked after them, no rush in her steps. It was as if she knew no matter where they ran; they were to be within her bony fingers' grasp by the end of this night.

Then, as if she got fed up with the child's play, starting running. Roman and Niall had no choice but to duck into the nearest cell, their exhaustion, and her running would only lead up to their end. The heavy door closed, and Niall found the strength in his aching legs and hurting heart to shove the old, dirty mattress up against the door. Making sure the heavy, metal door was secure he sunk back into the bed covered door, Roman sliding down to the floor in the corner of the room. 

Their relaxation cracked in half when they heard a gentle, slightly pleasant humming. Roman and Niall's heads snapped to where the mattress used to be, both freezing in fright as they saw a pale figure. Niall could just barely make out soft-looking brown hair, a skinny frame, and a small item clutched in thin hands. The figure looked up at them, lips formed in a gentle smile, one that, if Niall looked hard enough, could see was unnatural, dark and twisted. The figure spoke gently, but just like the smile, Niall could see the words molded and trembling with malice. "What are you two doing in here? You don't belong in here. Ms. Elliot will find you," The words forced and scared; as if he was scared of Ms. Elliot. "Oh, nevermind. It seems she already has. You should run, she'll get mad if she catches you with me, she's going to make it quick if you just stop now," He spoke, words still trembling with fear and malice, both emotions mixing in his voice, but beneath all that was a hint of concern.

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