Once We Were

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Niall's steps left an echo as he walked up the stone steps. His best friend, Roman, was beside him, a large grin on his face. Niall was more or less pissing his pants right about now, but of course, Roman wasn't backing off anytime soon. It was Halloween night, and fuck that shit; Roman didn't want to go to an ordinary, safe, haunted house. He wanted a real fucking one. Niall was beyond questioning why he was here; he was here because he didn't have the balls to tell Roman this was a stupid idea. Fuck. Roman practically skipped up the steps, while Niall was trying to walk as slow as humanly possible. Shit, Niall would much rather sitting down in his house and pass out candy to greedy little kids. 

Niall was, by now, starting to regret his entire goddamn life, because what if the floorboards gave out when they walked inside?! What then? Niall hated that fucking hellspawn that some call 'spiders,' and he could only imagine how many were in that hellhole. Shivering from the cold air, Niall stood beside Roman on the porch, looking up at the house. It was big, a two story, but the layout was much different than all the other two stories in his neighborhood. It was obviously old, all the grass and branches they had to pass just to get here was sign enough, but the ivy and apparently old shutters only gave Niall a sense of 'fucking run, mate.' 

It was a huge house. Clearly, the supposed woman who died here wasn't poor. Roman was already picking the lock, and Niall felt his stomach drop to his dick. He didn't want to do this, and he would probably regret it, but they were already here, and any chance of convincing Roman to not go in was gone. The door clicked as it unlocked, and Roman looked towards Niall, that same grin returning to his face. Niall groaned but walked in directly after Roman. Clicking on their flashlights, they both froze instantly.

It was no ghost in front of them, rather, it was blood. The creaky, worn out floorboards covered in dried blood, and Niall wanted to leave now. A creak sounded from the large staircase, and they both pointed their flashlights towards it. Nothing. Niall nudged his friend before saying, "Roman, fuck, we should go now." His efforts flew straight out Roman's ears as Roman, ever the idiot, walked further into the house, heading towards the living room. Niall, too scared to be left alone, jogged to catch up with Roman. Pointing his flashlight in every new creak of the floorboards, Niall followed behind an excited Roman. The living room would be gorgeous if it weren't for the obvious signs of a struggle. An old phone was dangling from its hook and the couch was crooked from its place against the wall. Right beside the dangling phone, was a small spot of blood. Was this some joke? People had probably been in here before them, yeah, that was it. Just some prank. As much as Niall wished it were true, none of this stuff has touched in years.

Dust coated everything in multiple layers; nothing had been touched in forever, everything they saw now was real. A loud ringing sounded from the room, and Niall and Roman both stepped back towards the wall in fear. The phone. The old phone was ringing, loudly, and Roman and Niall were both eager to run right about now. But Roman grabbed Niall's arm and stepped towards the phone before hesitantly answering. Words came through, but nothing any of them could understand. "Du ska delta mig garna min alskling...-" Those mumbled words came through the speaker repeatedly. Roman let the phone drop, and those words continued. Niall couldn't tell whether the voice was male or female, the voice has no defined gender.

Niall had hoped this was a joke, but there's no way that phone could work. This house is abandoned, and phones don't fucking work without power. Roman and Niall weren't that stupid, they both bolted towards the door as that message continued. Was somebody fucking with them? That had to be it. The front door, as if they were in some horror movie, wouldn't open. Niall and Roman considered just running at it, and they did, but to no avail. Was somebody keeping them inside this nightmare? They both looked around for a window, and they both ran to separate windows on either side of the door, but even hitting them with chairs or lamps did nothing. 

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