Nödvändig död

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Niall stared in wonder at the brown haired sixteen-year-old in front of him. A student who he's seen in the halls a few times had walked up to him in lunch, asking for a few minutes to talk. He'd never seen him before, a few glances in his direction when searching for Roman, but nothing more. They walked behind the school building, out of sight from any students or school officials. Niall's curiosity was going crazy, what the hell did this guy want?

"Niall, do you wish to die?" Niall flinched at the question, what the hell? Niall didn't want to die, was this some threat? How did he know Niall's name? "I-uh, n-no, I mean," He coughed, gathering his voice, "no, I don't wish to die." The strange boy turned around, looking Niall directly in the eyes, "Good. On Saturday night, call your parents and lock every window and door you have in your house. Hide in your room and don't come out for anyone but your parents," He said, a hint of a smile on his lips. Niall, on the other hand, was severely confused. Why was this guy telling him all this? A prank? Unless he was a damn good actor, how could his expression be fake? He looked dead serious, his expression a mix of happiness, sadness, weariness and other emotions Niall couldn't begin to place. Slowly, Niall nodded.

"I'm glad you agree. Follow what I say correctly, and you will not die. I'm Calvin."


Calvin lay on his bed, eyes nearly defined by the dark purple under them. Niall, Niall, Niall. The unsuspecting blonde was precious to him; he couldn't let him die again.

Nine hundred ninety-eight.

Nine hundred and ninety-eight is the timelines Calvin has gone through. In every single one, Niall died in some way and somewhere in those loops, Calvin stopped caring about anyone but Niall. His parents were drug addicted scum, his mom a complete slut and his dad couldn't seem to keep his dick in his pants; somehow they stayed together. Every time was different, sometimes Calvin and Niall were in school, at times they were both working on a murder case, it always happened a different way. In one timeline, a timeline Calvin would never forgive himself for; he killed Niall himself. The pressure and stress had gotten to him and-- Calvin had killed the person who meant everything to him.

Calvin never forgave himself, and almost considered ending his life to make up for his crime against his love. But he didn't, because every time Niall died, he woke up somewhere with all his memories. Niall never remembered anything, something Calvin was happy about if it spared him the pain of knowing death. If Niall knew how many times he died, that Calvin had killed him once, Niall would never forgive him, would he? But this one was different; he repeated a setting he once experienced long ago. At ten tonight, someone would try and kill Niall. They succeeded last time, but not this time. Calvin would stay awake all night if he had to, he'd stop whoever this was. He had to, for Niall.


Calvin lay numbly over a dead body, his eyes leaking tears. Again. He'd failed, hadn't he? Why? Why couldn't he save Niall? He'd gotten in a second too late, Niall had taken his advice, but it hadn't been enough. Of course, it hadn't. The nearly fully loaded gun lay beside him, and Calvin's hand drifted towards it. Perhaps, if he just ended it all here--

His hand grasped the heavy metal, and Calvin held it to his head. This was for the best, wasn't it? What if Niall remembered all the timelines? He'd go insane, surely. Niall would never trust Calvin again, never love him again. Yes, this was for the best.


And with their death, the world continued its regular cycle. No more resets, things were as they should. The two lovers, lost in the darkness of death, managed to link their hands once again in the end.


God, this was shit. Okay, so let me try and explain this. Calvin got sent into multiple different universes each time Niall died. These timelines held the same people, but each time Niall died. Calvin was the only one who remembered any past worlds that had happened and tried to save his boyfriend, Niall, only to fail each and every time. Each world is different, and Niall's death is always different. This time, however, Calvin was sent into a very similar world that he could remember, and so he told Niall to close up his house so the person coming to kill him couldn't get in. Niall followed his advice, but the killer got in despite Calvin's effort. This universe, or 'timeline,' made Calvin see that if he can't save Niall with knowledge of how he dies, how can he save Niall with it? 

Quick note, this title translates to "Inevitable Death." In Swedish, referring to Niall's inevitable death. But, it also can mean "Necessary Death." Which has reference to Calvin's need to die for his happiness, and to keep Niall from feeling the pain of death which he received each timeline.

I need to address this quickly because I feel guilty not doing so.

I don't respond to comments often, and I feel I need to explain the reason. I read every comment, and I love every single one. But I get nervous when  I try and reply. A lot of authors I love read my Oneshots, Aidsden, for example, who posts incredibly amazing comments all the time, I'm too scared to reply to because I love their work. This fear is stupid, but I feel like if I respond, they'll just be like 'What a fucking idiot' and then hate me forever. It's irrational, I know. But I just want to say that I love every single comment, the bad memes included, so thank you guys, for the support with this shit book and everything. 

Also, this Oneshot is complete shit I'm sorry. I wrote this just so I could address the comment situation above, so I rushed it. Thank you for reading, and with this, I will see you all when I next update because I have no schedule! Like seriously, it went from a week to two times a week, to like one every day or so, I don't know what's happening.


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