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Niall tried not to laugh as he watched his boyfriend watch a 'Zoie Burgher' video for the first time. Calvin had agreed to react to it for Niall's youtube channel, but Calvin had clearly underestimated just how bad Zoie Burgher's videos were. Calvin wasn't watching the bad gameplay video he was promised, he was watching porn. Soft Core porn. On Youtube. A video sharing website.

Calvin sat back in his chair before he looked at Niall, who was controlling the camera, before asking, "Why am I watching porn?" Niall burst into laughter because Calvin looked so genuinely disturbed. It took a second before Niall regained his ability to speak, "Love, it's not porn. It's something much, much worse." Calvin raised his eyebrow, before turning back to the screen. It was a few seconds later that Niall spoke up, "What do you think about it?" Calvin gave Niall a 'what-the-fuck-do-you-think' expression, before responding, "She has better tits than you, I guess."

"Mate, that's not a compliment. That's an insult," Niall said in response before Calvin coughed and said, "That's the fucking point." Niall laughed again, his boyfriend's bland and disturbed reaction truly getting to him. "Who the fuck tugs their meat to this shit?" Calvin said, and Niall lost it.

Leaning against a nearby chair for support, he wheezed in laughter while Zoie Burgher shook her ass. Leaning over and turning off the camera, getting more than enough footage needed, Niall closed the laptop his boyfriend was watching Zoie on. Calvin smiled lightly, standing up in his chair. He walked over to Niall, giving him a soft kiss on his lips. Niall smiled against Calvin's lips, pulling away from Calvin to giggle a little more.

Niall kissed his boyfriend on the cheek before sitting down on his computer chair, grinning as he edited the clip into the video.

Calvin walked over to his own chair, one that was across from Niall's, beginning to play Doom to pass the time. Calvin liked helping Niall with his videos, either by voicing a character over, or editing when Niall needed some help.

Calvin yawned softly at his computer chair, stretching before laying his head down on his desk. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to the small clicks and taps of Niall's keyboard.

When Calvin woke up, he was in their shared bed. Niall had probably carried him in here, which his neck and back would be thanking Niall for later. Opening his heavy eyes, he looked around for Niall. He was either asleep at his desk, or working on the video. Most likely asleep at his desk.

Calvin stood up from their bed, walking quietly down into their living room at held their computers and such. To none of Calvin's surprise, Niall was asleep on his desk, while the video rendered. Calvin smiled lightly, walking over to Niall and slinging him over his shoulder gently. Niall slept like a rock, honestly, nothing ever woke Niall up. As Calvin thought, Niall stayed asleep as Calvin carried Niall into their bedroom. Softly placing Niall down on their bed, Calvin crawled over to his side and laid his head on Niall's chest as he usually did.

Calvin reached over and entwined his fingers with Niall's, another smile twitching onto his lips when Niall squeezed his hand.


The video was eventually uploaded, most of Niall's amazing, top quality, 10/10 comments being the following;

"You're gay."

"I ship it."

And the last fucking weird ass comments, "Can I finger your boyfriend, Pyro, please." Niall wasn't jealous, more like really weirded out, but he still found it all funny none the less.

It was five days later when Niall called Calvin from their bedroom, yelling, "Love, I need you in my youtube video for views!" To which Calvin promptly replied, "Fuck off."


Slime here, hey, hello, hi. This, I just want to say, is shit. Utter garbage, but my username is Slime, so either this is a shit Oneshot or you expected way too much from me. It's probably both. But anyways. Guess who planned to have a Halloween Oneshot? Me! But guess who didn't write one? Me! Only the highest of quality writing and updating schedule here.

I didn't have any inspiration all Halloween. But, hey, guess who got some inspiration November 1st?! Me! Oh, boiii I'm such trash.

I might be writing a Halloween inspired Oneshot, but it depends on how the Oneshot goes. I'm aiming to update weekly, which I can manage, but these Holidays are crazy busy so I might miss a week sometimes. My relatives usually visit around this time, and my cousin doesn't want me on electronics, so much that she gives me shit for being on electronics while she Snapchats with her friends.

I have a decent idea for Thanksgiving, involving Calvin working at Walmart on Black Friday. Oh boy oh boy, I can't wait to write that shit.

Thanks for reading, it means a lot that you would even bother to check this story out, I'll hopefully be back with another Oneshot in a week. 

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