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Calvin could only watch as Niall stared at Roman, a slightly dreamy look on his face. They were in high school during lunch, and Calvin -even though he was Niall's best friend- was getting ignored for Niall's crush. If he didn't feel so sick in his stomach, Calvin could stand it and sit with somebody else, but the ache in his chest was prominent and not going away anytime soon, unluckily for Calvin.

Ignoring his building want to scream and cry like a child, Calvin nudged niall in the shoulder. "You're staring, man," Calvin tried his hardest to keep the bitterness from his voice, and luckily, he succeeded. Niall snapped out of his trance, giving Calvin a small, apologetic smile. "Sorry, but..-" Calvin knew what was coming, one of Niall's rants about his crush on Roman.

It hurt, it hurt so much. It sent aches down Calvin's chest and into Calvin's stomach, tying it into a knot. His hands shook, and Calvin tried not to cry as he listened to Niall's rants about how perfect Roman was, and how Niall would never be good enough for Roman. "-.. You just don't understand how much it hurts to have somebody you love, but you can't ever tell them," Niall said, burying his face into his arms.

Calvin couldn't take any more of this.

Making sure his voice was level and without cracks, he spoke, "I guess I wouldn't." Calvin pushed his tray of food away, not feeling hungry anymore. He patted Niall on the back before standing up, deciding to spend his time being praised by the teacher for being early. He walked away from Niall without any words of 'goodbye.' If this was how he felt around Niall, perhaps it was for the best that he stayed far away.


Calvin stared sadly at the conversing Niall and Roman, his heart aching. The two had gotten together yesterday, and Calvin was miserable. Rubbing his eyes, Calvin tried not to cry as he watched the two exchange kisses. Fuck, it hurt. He was whiny, he knew, and this was only high school, but that didn't help his hurting chest at all. Calvin didn't fucking care if there were 'other fish in the sea,' Niall was his sea, some damn fish didn't compare.

He felt Austin's pitying gaze on his form, and Calvin gave Austin his best 'I'm all right,' smile. All he got was the same, sad smile in return. Quickly, Calvin walked away from the new couple. They deserved happiness; Calvin just didn't want to be around to see them get that.


From then on, Calvin completely ignored Niall. He talked to Austin, most days, and another student called Grade for the most part. Niall was confused and hurt, of course, he'd no idea what was happening with his best friend, the one who was so dear to him. But Niall never questioned it, never talked it out with Calvin, and the two stayed away from each other.


That's the shortest thing I've ever written. Also, I'm updating this twice this week, this update being the second one, as I have another story to focus on. That aside, this was something I wrote awhile ago; I just fixed it up a bit. The grammar, added more words, stuff like that. I wanted to start this idea up as a full story, but I have another one to focus on, so I turned it into a Oneshot.

I hope it's okay, I know it's not very long, but I didn't want to make it seem like I forced this to one thousand words. This is only five hundred, one thousand usually being my goal each chapter. Anyways, tell me what I did wrong, what I did right, any constructive criticism is appreciated! Also, this reached one hundred reads? Thank you all so much for the reads, votes, and comments. I really don't deserve it, my writing is garbage, but some continue to read each chapter, so thank you! 

Lavender «LeafyCynical Oneshots»Where stories live. Discover now