chapter one

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Today started like any other day for a hunter. There were a sighting of Luminos near a neighborhood and they called me to check it out. I, Hakyeon, the number one hunter in Seoul, if not the world, have been called for a simple Inioth sighting. They could have called a simple hunter for this. Inioth is the average and the lowest type of Luminos, well that's the definition I like to give it. They could have called someone who just started training for God's sake: but no, they have to call me.

This better be worth the time I am wasting on this Inioth that I could have spent it tracking a Liorenth. Now, those are the rarest one to find. Basically, they are extinct but in the last few months, there have been sightings of a few. Obviously, being the best hunter, I need to get one. This is my opportunity to surpass myself. I like achieving things other people, average people cannot accomplish without training for years.

I have been training since I was 5 years old, since the day my mother was killed by a Lumino, and not an Inioth; it was a Liorenth. I want to avenge my mother's death and at least be the best at doing it. My father funded Shadows Sanctrum HQ. The name was thought because once the Luminos were caught, they were only shadows at HQ, meaning they don't matter to us. They are only a pile of garbage to us.

My phone starts ringing so I pick it up and see that Wonshik is calling, 'What does he want now?' I said to myself while picking the phone; "What is it, Wonshik? Don't you see I'm in the middle of tracking this Inioth!" I argued, even though I don't want to track this piece of shit; it is still my job so I have no choice but to do it.

"You should be thanking me that I'm calling you for this," Wonshik replied, I can picture in my head him rolling his eyes at me. "Just spill okay? I do not have all day," I said while raising my voice a bit. I am getting impatient here.

"There was a sighting of two Inioth and guess what? You're going to love this; the other one is a Liorenth." Wonshik said and I can picture a big ass smirk on his face and I can help myself but smirk too. Thank you, God, finally, a Liorenth. "Where was the sighting located?" I asked I need to go. Fuck this Inioth, it can wait but that Liorenth is a rare sighting and I need to get my hands on that beauty.

"This is the part where you won't believe me-", "Just spill the beans!" I interrupted him. I can hear another voice in the background. It must have been Hongbin because of what the person said: "Why do you want to spill me?" I chuckled, sometimes I wonder why I have to work with them.

"Hongbin! Shut up!" I can hear them arguing at the background. God damn it, they act like little kids when they are 21 freaking years old. "Hey! Hey! Guys, I do not have all the time in the world just tell me what you were going to say." I said well practically yelled.

I could hear silence so I can guess they have shut up. "Sorry hyung. I know you are getting old and we are taking this time away from you-", "You clearly don't respect your elders, do you?"

Wonshik laughed, "Sorry hyung! Okay, the Liorenth is just a few meters away from where you are.", "You are not joking, right?" I replied in doubt. Why did no one tell me this earlier? Precious time wasted right now. I'll be talking to my father about this.

"See! I knew you weren't going to believe me." Again, just picture Wonshik rolling his eyes at me. "Okay, fine! I believe you, can you just text me the exact coordinates to where the Liorenth is?", "Sure hyung! Just get that Liorenth." And with that, he ended the call. A few seconds later, I received a text from Wonshik telling me the exact location. 'It is close' I thought to myself. Hey, Wonshik has been lying lately so for now, I cannot believe every word that comes out of that mouth of his.

I put my cellphone back in my pocket and adjust the backpack I have been carrying throughout this journey of looking the Inioth but I'm very glad Wonshik called me. Now the equipment in my backpack would be of better use; catching that Liorenth. As I walk closer to where Wonshik texted me earlier, I could hear noise coming for not very far. Hopefully, it's that Liorenth.

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