chapter six

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I wake up by a sudden sound. I quickly stand up from my bed and walk out of my room. I look towards the kitchen and I see a pot on the floor surrounded by water. I look up at whoever did it. Not a surprise that it was Wonshik. I chuckle and go to look for the mop. I hear a sorry hyung from behind while I take the mop from the closet in the hall and walk back to the kitchen. I hand the mop to Wonshik and he pouts as he takes the mop from my hand.

"You are the one who made the mess, you clean it," I say chuckling. I walk around the mess Wonshik made and I open the fridge. I take the milk out and close the fridge. I am going to need caffeine in my body for what is going to happen today. Today will be going on a 'mission' to capture a Liorenth using Taekwoon, Jaehwan, and Sanghyuk as bait. I prepare my coffee and pour it into three mugs. One for Hongbin, one for Wonshik and one for me.

The sound of a door opening fills the room and Hongbin is walking out already dressed. He looks at me and sighs, "We were supposed to surprise you with breakfast," he pouts making me laugh. I point towards Wonshik who just finished mopping his mess. Hongbin looks at him and yells, "Yah! What did you do?" Wonshik sighs, "The pot was hot so I kind of dropped it on the floor," he says. Ah! Here we go. There are going to start fighting again. Nothing new, really.

"Hey! Before you two start fighting because of that, drink the coffee I made you. It is going to go cold if you do not hurry the fuck up," I say and they look at me. They mumble what I could make out as yes mom. They take their coffee and starts to drink them. The phone of the dorm starts to ring. I walk towards it and put it on speaker.

"Hakyeon, speaking. What's up?" I say and I look toward the kitchen. Hongbin and Wonshik had finished drinking their coffee and are walking towards me, to listen to whatever the person on the phone wanted to say.

"Hakyeon! There has been a sighting right now of the Liorenth, you guys need to go there now, your father instructions. The other Liorenth and the Inioths are already inside the van. Hurry up and get that Liorenth," and with that, the call cuts off. Leaving me, Hongbin and Wonshik looking at each other. We were supposed to leave in an hour for the so-called mission but apparently, this is going to go another way.

"I have a bad feeling of this," Wonshik says and we all nod. It is weird that suddenly this happened. That out of nowhere there is a recent sighting of that Liorenth. I have a weird gut feeling that they already know our intentions of taking this mission. But it won't make me back away, I told Taekwoon we were taking them out of this awful place today and I would not back out. I will do something good at last even if it might or might not be the last time.

We dressed, took some belongings and food in our usual backpacks and we go down towards where the van is. I see a few of the workers standing by it and they give us thumbs up as to wish us luck. I shake my head and get inside. Wonshik and Hongbin follow; they get into their normal sitting arrangement. Wonshik in the back while Hongbin is in the passenger seat beside me. We can hear a bit of noise in the back. It might be Jaehwan and Sanghyuk. I did not tell Taekwoon that he could not say anything to them about the plan but I guess he did not say anything to them.

You could hear some crying and screaming at the back of the van. I am guessing is directed towards us or Taekwoon. Either they are angry at us or they are trying to talk to Taekwoon. They did tell us that Taekwoon did not resist. In fact, it looked like he did not have any energy left. That he looked like a drag doll, almost lifeless. I mentally thank Taekwoon, he did exactly what I told him. He might as well win the award for best actor since they bought the so-weak Liorenth that might be useless in this case they said. Luckily, this is not an ordinary mission and he is not weak.

I turn on the engine and we are off. Hongbin does his usual turn left then continue straight until I tell you so and Wonshik is on his phone. Kind of feels like a normal mission if it weren't for cars following us. I hear Hongbin curse under his breath while Wonshik is trying to look from the window. Hongbin directs me to turn a right to try and lose them but they are like a gum you accidently step on and it won't come off. Yes, that is exactly how this feels.

"Fuck, they found out, didn't they?" Wonshik says as he sits back correctly on his seat. He has a worried look on his face while Hongbin is trying to at least make us look like we are trying to find this Liorenth. I tighten the grip on the stirring wheel. I really hope that is it just patrol as back up. They hardly use patrol or any type of backup but maybe because we are dealing with another Liorenth they decided to use precautions.

"I really hope that they-," I got caught off by the van being hit by something from the side making it swerve to the right. I put on the brakes but it was useless. We crash into a tree. My head hit the stirring wheel before the air bag could come out. I hear muffled yells and screaming as I forcibly open the door and got out from the van. I take slow steps as my head still feel woozy from the impact.

I walk to the end of the van and see the back door ripped open. I look inside and I see the cages open. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk are still there, hugging each other. "Where is Taekwoon?" I ask them and they just point towards where he is. They look terrified like they just saw Satan itself. I turn around and see a fight that it is going on. Taekwoon is fighting what I believe is the Liorenth and Hongbin is fighting with the patrol with Wonshik.

I grab the gun from the cages are and run towards them. I aim towards one guard and shoot him on the shoulder. He groans in pain and holds his shoulder. I do that to the other guards and they all retreat to their vehicles. I aim towards the Liorenth and shoot. It is normal bullets so it does not help much. In fact, I think it did not help at all since now I have angered it and now I am on the floor, again. Apparently, this are things Liorenth do a lot. First Taekwoon and now this one.

I feel it claw my abdomen and I scream in pain. It did not have second chance to do it again as Taekwoon has tackle him to the ground and now are fighting beside me. I feel someone pull me away from the fight and I look up to see Wonshik. He gives me a small smile then helps me up. I wince in pain but it is bearable. When I can finally open my eyes since I kept wincing every time I stand straight. I see Taekwoon go for its throat and ripping it straight out. I wince a bit as if I felt the pain.

The Liorenth laid there immobile, dead. I sigh in relief and walk slowly towards Taekwoon. He was wiping the blood from the Liorenth on his clothes before he looked at me. I smile a bit and his eyes soften. As I was about to say something I feel something hit me through my back. I gasp as I fell to my knee. Taekwoon is looking me with his eyes widen in surprise. I hear Hongbin scream at me then suddenly he is at my side with Wonshik. I try to take some air into my lungs but all it comes out as gasps.

I do not see Taekwoon anymore but I could hear a scream then silent from not too far. Whoever shot me is dead now, I believe. By no other than Taekwoon himself. My sight starts clouding and all I could hear is my heart beat going slower and slower as if it was place right beside my ears. I could hardly hear what they were talking so I cannot make any words that they are saying. It all sounds muffle.

I must have been bleeding a lot because I start to feel cold. My eyes feel too heavy to keep up. I feel my body being shaken up so all I can think is that it is Hongbin telling me not to die. "I'm sorry," it is what I want to tell him. I am sorry that I wasn't that great of a friend. That I am sorry that I cannot stop myself from dying right now.

My eyes start to get too heavy making me close them. Before the darkness gets me down completely, I feel, slightly, my mouth being up and a weird substance getting inside. I could not swallow but it went down my throat rather smoothly. All I remember before I completely blackout was that the substance had a weird metallic flavor to it.

words count: 1637

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