chapter nine

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It was not exactly sunrise when we started our journey towards somewhere else. A place Taekwoon only knew the name of it but have never stepped a foot in that area. A place where Wonshik could only guide us towards to. It started peaceful, the journey. I am still trying to get used to my new self. Having a tail is not that easy to get used to but it does help me have a bit more balance than before. Taekwoon would casually ask me if I was okay or if I need any help. I would answers shaking my head and thanking him for his kindness but that I did not need help.

Well, that was until now. We have been walking for 5 hours straight now and took an hour break to rehydrate our bodies and eat. So, it has been approximated about 6 hours since we left and I suddenly started to feel weaker and weaker as we continue to walk after our break. But that is probably my fault. It still feels weird to drink blood from an animal or just eat the raw flesh of it. So, I try to avoid it. Which I know I shouldn't. My body is not the same anymore and the hunger won't be calm down if I do not do those things.

And that is why I am getting a piggyback ride by Taekwoon. I asked him if I wouldn't be a bother on his back since he has his wings and all. He just shook his head and made me climb on his back. That is how we spent the rest of the journey. We would a bit then continue to walk. It was not always quiet and peaceful since Hongbin and Hyuk would complain all the time.

Even though Hongbin is used to long walk when they were hunting and Hyuk was used to move around when it was only Taekwoon, Jaehwan and himself, alone; they still whine about how much they have been walking. Asking if we were getting closer only to be answered back by Wonshik yelling at them. "For fuck's sake, shut the fuck up already. How old are you two? Five? No, we are not even remotely close. Now, sip it!"

Well, that shut them up for a few hours. Until they started to whine again for the thousand time. You could already see the veins on Wonshik's neck. He is trying so hard not to yell at them again.

"Hey, are you tired? Do you want me to get down?" I whisper into Taekwoon's ear which made him shiver a bit. I could hardly see his face but I could he is biting down on his lower lip. He shakes his head and continues to walk.

"Are you sure Taekwoon? You have been carrying me for almost three hours now. It is almost 5 pm," I whisper back to him. To be honest, I don't want the other to hear what we are talking. Even if they are being noisy and not paying attention to Taekwoon nor him.

Taekwoon just shrugs, "It does not bother me, I'm fine with carrying you until we get there," he says and I pout. I just feel like I am being lazy and just using him. "Hakyeon, I can literally hear your thoughts. You have not been eating well and you are still getting used to all this. Let me just help. I am the one who got you into this mess after all," he says interrupting my thoughts. I could not catch the last sentence since he whispered it to himself.

"Yah! Taekwoon, it is just that, I don't know. I feel kind of useless now," I say mumbling the last part, I could hear him sigh. I know it is stupid to feel like this. But I was used to be the one in charge, the one that people relied on for help. I feel kind of useless when I am the one who needs help. Suddenly I could feel one of Taekwoon's hand slowly caressing my thigh in a caring and reassuring way.

"You need to stop overthinking everything. You are not useless, Hakyeon. Everyone can ask for help when they need it. It does not mean they are useless, get that through your head," and with he does not say anything else. Our journey continues normally. Whines from the two youngest, Wonshik rolling his eyes at him telling them that he is going to kick their asses once they have arrived, Jaehwan is just watching the exchange between them with a smile and an occasional laugh when Wonshik yells at them.

I can see that Hongbin and Wonshik are getting used to the other two, Jaehwan and Sanghyuk. It is like when I was unconscious they suddenly make friends. You can see how Hyuk places a hand on top of one of Hongbin's shoulder as he laughs. Hongbin's face turns into a full grin as he laughs with Hyuk. Both are being mischievous towards the other two, Jaehwan and Wonshik. As I said before you can clearly see Wonshik is trying not to snap at the youngsters once again. While Jaehwan is laughing at the occurrence, he still tries to calm Wonshik down. You can see Jaehwan's hand softly patting Wonshik's back as he says something to him. Probably to calm the other down. Normally Wonshik would not let anyone touch him no matter what. Not even when he was fucking those girls. Yet, here we have Jaehwan patting his back and Wonshik is letting him.

I sigh, "Well at least they are getting comfortable with the others," I think. I let myself relax as I take in our surroundings. I have never been this far out of the city so I have never seen all the beauty mother nature offers. The trees are tall and all full of green leaves. The sun shines through it as it starts to set. The night is slowly awakening. The sound of the wings of the birds as they fly to their nest to rest. The wind suddenly turns chilly as it continues to go dark and the last thing I hear is Taekwoon incoherently say something to himself as I let myself drift into a slumber.

"Hakyeon, wake up!" I hear someone yell at me, making me almost fall out of Taekwoon's back. Thank God Taekwoon has a solid grip on me or else I would have fallen on my ass, on my tail, and that would have hurt a lot. I look at the person who almost left me deaf and it is none other than Hongbin.

"What do you want?" I say as I let out a yawn. My mind is still a bit fuzzy, still not awake completely.

"We here," He says then walks off to where I believe Wonshik, Hyuk, and Jaehwan are. I blink a few times trying to make my vision to focus. Once it did, I can see it is almost night. The sky is slowly turning into a darker color, the sun slowly setting. I pat Taekwoon's shoulder to let him know that he can let me down now. Taekwoon sighs and let me down but does not let me go completely. He is holding my waist.

"Uh, Taekwoon?"


"You can let go of me now."

"No," and that is how we continue to walk up to a medium sized house that it would have looked completely vacant if it weren't for some dim lights lighting the inside of it. The other four are already next to the entrance, waiting for us. It is going to be such a hassle for me to accustom to my new self. It is weird walking with a tail.

We get there, Taekwoon moves a bit forward to knock on the door. "It's Taekwoon," Taekwoon says a bit louder than how he usually talks. We hear some shuffling sounds coming from the inside of the house and the door opens. This is not what I was expecting.


I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this story. Things are crazy. So y'all don't know but, I live in Puerto Rico. A week ago we were hit by a hurricane called Irma, which thankfully didn't touch land but it did affect us. Now we are about to get hit by another hurricane, same category as the other one called Maria. This one is literally going to hit land. There's no way for it to turn or anything, so I hope you understand why the updates will be very slow now. We might not have electricity for up to 2 months or even more. It all depends on the damage but I will try to update soon again!

So enjoy this update and pray that Puerto Rico doesn't stop existing, okay that's exaggerating but please pray.

If you want to know more about how I am and stuff, follow me on twitter: @chabyulbit

p.s. I haven't proof read it so I'm sorry for any errors!

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