chapter four

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"We meet again, Hakyeon," Taekwoon says, walking a few steps closer towards us. I can see Jaehwan at the edge of a tree, looking at us and back at Taekwoon. In his eyes, you can see the terror he has and you could tell he pretty much does not want to be here.

"How do you know my name?" I ask, I never said my name to him or allowed for him to hear it. "You are a very famous hunter, why would I have not known your name? Since you are basically hunting my species," Taekwoon says but the way those words left his mouth, it was filled with venom and hatred.

"Since you already know who I am, I think you are sure what is about to happen," After I said that, I prepare myself to take this Liorenth down. What I was feeling earlier left my mind for now. Right now, I must do my job. Us, two, getting distracted while talking we did not notice Wonshik already had Jaehwan asleep in his arms.

"Hyung! I caught the Inioth," Wonshik exclaims while holding Jaehwan. Taekwoon looks at Jaehwan then at Wonshik already to attack him. I cannot let that happen. I take out the gun and aim towards Taekwoon. I pull the trigger and the tranquilizer dart hits Taekwoon in the neck. Taekwoon stumbles a bit as he reaches for the dart and takes it out. He moves his gazes towards me and our eyes meet. I can sense the anger in his eyes as he slowly falls to the ground into a deep sleep.

I let out a deep breath I did not know I was holding. I put the gun back into my pocket after I put the safety lock on. I walk towards Taekwoon and kneel beside him. I brush his long black hair away from his face. His eyes are closed and his mouth is slightly open letting a small puff of air come out. He looks so peaceful yet I know this will be agonizing for him once he wakes up.

"Hongbin, bring the cuffs to me," I say as I slowly move Taekwoon's body so I could have a better access to his hands. Hongbin gives them to me and I carefully take Taekwoon's hands. I unhook the cuff and carefully put them on his wrists. It might not help if the Lumino is actually conscience but when they are still in the effect of the dart they would not be able to break to them.

I slowly pick up Taekwoon and walk towards the van. Wonshik shortly follows behind me with Jaehwan and Hongbin beside him. I lay him on the back and Wonshik does the same with Jaehwan. Hongbin closes the back of the van and walks towards the front of it to get inside.

"Hongbin, you drive us back. I am kind of tired," I say as I throw him the keys to the van and I get the passenger seat. Wonshik sits in front with Hongbin leaving me the back seat all for me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wonshik asks looking back to me. Am I okay? Maybe. Maybe not. I really have no idea. I should be happy and proud of myself that I caught a Liorenth. Not everyone could and not even my father has caught one. I am the first yet why does it feel so wrong?

"I am okay, Wonshik. I caught a Liorenth, why wouldn't I be?" I say and Wonshik nods. He can clearly see behind the mask of lies I put but apparently, he did not want to deal with that now.

As the engine started, we make our way back to HQ. Back to give these Luminos and let the scientist to whatever they want with them. They probably already got bored with Hyuk. They tend to get bored really easily with Inioths but once they see Taekwoon. I am sure that he will be in for a lot of pain. I shake my head trying to make these thoughts go away from my head. Not working, I lay down on the back seat and try to sleep. This hunt wasn't very hard, we rarely even use force but yet I am exhausted. Maybe is more mentally but I already found myself dozing on our way to HQ.


I wake up to find myself in my bed. The lights of my room are turned off and I have a blanket covering me. I sigh as I remove the piece of clothing over me and stand up. I slowly walk towards the light switch, carefully, not trying to step or hit on something. I turn on the light and suddenly everything is too bright for me. I turn it back off and walk outside of my room.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. I open it and I take a few gulps before putting it down. I look around the dorm and I cannot see or hear anything. There are no signs that Wonshik or Hongbin was in. So, one of them carried me to my room because I surely know I do not sleep-walk, I think as I take the last gulp of water and throw into the trash can.

They must be where the Luminos gets "interrogated" which they clearly do not get asked anything; they just get tortured and experimented on. I make my way down to the floor where these things usually happen. And I was not wrong when I see Hongbin and Wonshik standing in front of a window that is only one sided, meaning we can see them, they can't see us.

"Hey," I say and both of them turn their heads towards me. They smile and motion me to come closer. "Hakyeon, you need to see this," they say and I walk towards them. They point to the window and I look. I have to bite down a gasp. There he is, lying face up on a metal table. His wings are tied down by chains and his body is all bloody from cuts and needles marks that scientists have been giving him. His facial expression shows no emotional. There are no tears in his eyes, only anger.

The scientist that is in with him tells him something, which I can't hear because of the soundproof walls. But I see that Taekwoon just moves his head to the side without giving the scientist an answer. In which, it earns him another cut on his arm. You can see he is trying hard not to scream as the cut starts to bleed. The cages from the side start to move. I can already tell that Hyuk and Jaehwan are there.

Why is my heart hurting by the site of this? I grip the side of my chest and bite the bottom of my lip. It is hurting and I do not know why. My vision is growing foggy and my hearing is slowly slipping away. I could see the blurry faces of Hongbin and Wonshik, screaming at me but I cannot make the words they are saying. My vision blurs completely and I black out hitting the floor.

words count: 1214

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