chapter eleven

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[again, please read author's note at the end]

Saying that I didn't sleep well last night would be a lie. So, yes, I slept like a baby last night. I don't even remember if I dreamt of something. I was probably way too tired to actually dream of something. I wasn't even bothered that I had to sleep with Taekwoon on the same bed. The warmth radiating from his body made it comfortable to sleep.

Yes, we ended up all wrapped up in each other arms.

But I'm going to tell you when we laid down he literally left a big ass space between us. The bed is actually big enough to fit three people so, you can visualize how much space he left between us. But you know, when one is asleep we move around the bed. No one stays still when they sleep; at least not always.

And to tell you the truth, I'm not mad. Yes, it was weird because it has been a long time since I have slept with someone in the same bed. Also, it hasn't been much time since we know each other. To be honest, we know barely anything about us.

"Hey? Are you okay? You kind of space out for a second. If you keep doing that, you are going to cut yourself with the knife and that ain't good," Seokjin says snapping me out of the trance of thoughts I was in.

I look down to my hands and see the knife in my right hand while the other hand holds a potato. Oh yeah, we are making lunch for that Jungkook kid. Haven't really seen him much today. Seokjin says that he is helping Namjoon with something but I have a feeling he is just shy because of the new 6 people that just arrived at his house without a previous notice.

I continue to cut the potato then hands the bits to Seokjin, who, then proceeds on putting in the cooking pot. While he stirs the ingredients in, "Can you take out a plate please?" He asks, I simply just nod.

I walk towards the cabinet. I open it then reach for one of the plates at the top. Once I have it, I close the cabinet and walk back towards where Seokjin is. I put the plate on the countertop, "Here—"

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits me. I hold myself on the counter to steady myself a bit. My vision blurs a bit then returns back to normal. Once my vision focus again, I can see the face of a very worried Seokjin, "Oh my, are you okay? You haven't properly fed right?" He asks and I shake my head. No, I haven't dared touch blood or raw meat.

Seokjin sighs and turns off the stove. He puts the lid on top of the cooking pot. "Come on, you need to have something on your system. I can't have you fainting on me because you were too stubborn to eat," he says as he takes my hand and guides me towards the dining table. He helps me sit down and he went back to the kitchen.

I see him take out a pan and put it over one of the burners on the stove. He pours a bit cooking oil and turns the burner on. He walks towards the fridge and takes out a frozen piece of meat. He then puts it in the pan. I frown, Wasn't I suppose to eat it raw?

A few minutes pass and I have the piece of meat right in front of me on a plate. Seokjin puts it on the table then sits beside me, "It is still raw if you are still asking yourself that. I just cooked it a bit for you. For, you know, so it'll be easier to try to eat this than one that looks, well, fresh if you can that," He says shrugging, "You need it," with that he walks back to the kitchen and continues to cook Jungkook's food.

I stare at the plate for what it seems like hours, only minutes passed. I hesitantly take the fork and cut a bit. The blood oozes a bit from the middle of the meat. Yeah, it is still raw. I gulp down and stare at the bit of meat on the fork. Slowly, I put it in my mouth and hesitantly start to chew it.

To my surprise, it doesn't taste gross as I thought it will be. It actually tastes pretty darn good. It just tastes like a normal juice piece of meat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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