chapter seven

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Third Person Point of View

"What did you do?" Hongbin asks Taekwoon as he checks his friend's pulse. He sighs in relief. Hakyeon is still alive but his heart is beating weakly. Taekwoon licked the bite mark on his wrist, the one he used to give some of his blood to Hakyeon. He had read somewhere that Liorenth's blood has healing powers, that maybe that is why their wounds heal a lot faster than Inioths. But, it is believed that it can help people heal faster is they drink a bit of blood from a Liorenth. So, he thought to just go with it and try it. No one knows if there are side effects from it but he wanted to the risk. Yes, Hakyeon did all those bad things but Taekwoon can see that he had opened his eyes and was no longer blinded by anger. He did help them escape, the least he could do is try to save his life.

He stands up and spreads slightly his big black wings then folding them back where they normally are; behind his broad back. "We should start moving, look for somewhere to stay," Taekwoon says and Hongbin looks at him with a frown evident on his face. He clearly wants answers and he wants them now. "I know you want to know what the hell I just did to your friend but right now, we need to move our asses because I am certainly sure those patrols when for back up so we do not have time. All you want to know, I will tell you when we are somewhere safe. Understood?"

Hongbin looked down to his unconscious friend. The Liorenth is saying the truth. They need get out here and somewhere far from here as soon as possible. He nods and looks up again at Taekwoon. "Where would we go though? I have never stepped far out of the city limits." Wonshik then clears his throat, "You haven't but I have, remember, I used to live out of the city limits." It is true. Wonshik used to live very far from the city but everything changed when the terror to Luminos grew. Everyone who once lived outside of the city limits moved to the city. Leaving the "suburbs", how they used to call it, completely vacant. "I know a place where we can stay, it is practically abandoned so we can stay there until we find somewhere safer." Taekwoon nods and picks the unconscious Hakyeon off the ground, "Lead the way."

Wonshik has led them to medium size cabin. They are all currently sitting in the living room of the cabin, expect Hakyeon, which is in one of the room still unconscious. Taekwoon had bandaged Hakyeon up and laid him on the bed. They luckily found a first aid kit hiding in the bathroom so they could take care of their wounds, especially Hakyeon's.

"Okay. Now that we are somewhere, at least, safe. Could be kind and explain what the actual fuck did you do to Hakyeon? Why the hell did you bit your wrist and pour some of it into his mouth? Is this some kind of vampire of shit because I am pretty sure you ain't a fucking vampire." Hongbin says and this makes Taekwoon chuckle. A vampire? Those were rare here in South Korea but anyways, it was funny how... Hongbin was his name? how Hongbin was comparing him with a vampire. Really funny.

"Well, you are right. I am not a vampire. You should know they are really rare here," with that Hongbin blushes in embarrassment and looks down at his lap. "I know that you are a concern of your friend but what I did was to try and save him. There is a myth saying that if a human drinks a bit Liorenth's blood, the key word here is drink, they will heal as a Liorenth does. The only concern is that it is a myth. No one before has tried it so no one knows if there is a side effect or not."

Hongbin does not say anything for a few minutes, trying to process the giving information. He finally looks up from his lap and towards Taekwoon, "Well, at least your intention was to help him so-" Hongbin is cut out by a scream, a really high pitched scream and it comes from the only bedroom occupy. It was Hakyeon. Everyone looked at each other. They all have a scared look on their face. Why is Hakyeon screaming like he is being tortured really bad?

Taekwoon was the first who snapped out of the trance that everyone was in. He quickly walks towards the bedroom where he left Hakyeon in. His hand reaches for the door handle but freezes up for a few seconds. He is slightly scared of what he might see. He takes a few deep breaths then he quickly opens the door. Now that the door is open the screams that are coming out of Hakyeon's mouth are louder and clearer. He is definitely in agony. Taekwoon quickly walks up to his side and tries to shake awake Hakyeon. When he touches Hakyeon's skin he feels tiny electrical shocks going through his hands then to his entire body. Hakyeon's body is heating up rapidly as if he is developing a really awful fever.

The first thing that comes up through Taekwoon's mind is to undress Hakyeon as soon as possible. Try to cold down his body temperature. He really does not know how to deal with this. It might be crazy doing this but that is the only thing he can think off and none of the other humans are coming through the door; they are not much of a help.

Taekwoon quickly takes the blanket that is covering Hakyeon and throws it to the side. Hakyeon is still wearing the clothes from before since obviously, they do not have any additional clothes yet again, they have not look through the entire cabin. Going back to Hakyeon, Taekwoon quickly but carefully takes each piece of clothing off Hakyeon's body, only leaving him with the bandages and his underwear. It was not difficult for Taekwoon even though Hakyeon was and still is moving slightly from whatever pain he is feeling.

Taekwoon carefully checks Hakyeon's wounds. The bandages are slightly stained with blood but as he sees; the wounds are healing quite rapidly. He sighs in relief as he bandages the wounds back up. So, that myth he heard is actually working. It is actually true. That means whatever Hakyeon is feeling right now might be a side effect. So, one of the side effects is extremely high body temperature, like a really awful fever, he says to himself. He carefully brushes the wet fringe off Hakyeon's forehead.

Taekwoon sighs and stands up but suddenly starts to feel dizzy. He has not noticed that the room has become hotter by the minute. His body feels like he is burning up which is really weird for him. He has never felt like this, not even when he has become sick and when a Lumino is sick, it is literal hell for them. This though is on another level. He feels suffocated, his eyes try to focus on his surroundings but eventually his eyesight does not focus and the burning sensation on his body makes him faint and falling to the bed where Hakyeon is still laying down.


I'm sorry for taking so long to update. A lot of things are going on right now that my head is a mess and I keep forgetting to write or to update. So I hope you guys can forgive me for taking so damn long.

Anyways, this is shorter than the length I usually write but I just want to leave the good stuff for next chapter!

I got a question though!

Do you guys like mpreg? And if you do, will you like it if this fic were to have mpreg?

I'm just curious lmao

Okay, I'll go! Bye~

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