chapter five

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I groan at the sudden pain that shoots through my whole body, especially in my head. I hear people talking and I groan again. Too loud, I think as I slowly open my eyes. I close them again tightly because the lights are blinding me. I already know where I am. I am in the infirmary, why? I do not know for sure. All I remember is that I was with Wonshik and Hongbin looking at the Liorenth getting experimented on and then everything went black. I feel a hand shake my shoulder and I open my eyes again, this time a bit slower so my eyes can adjust to the brightness.

"Hakyeon, wake the fuck up!" Hongbin says as I finally open my eyes and look at him. He looks quite different from when I last saw him. His hair is a mess, he has bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep and his attire is messy. Knowing Hongbin, he is usually very meticulous on how he looks and looking at him now; he is a complete different Hongbin.

"You look like shit," I say as I slowly stand up into a sitting position on the bed I am in. Well, it is better to say the obvious don't you think? I groan as another wave of pain hits my head and Hongbin chuckles slightly.

"Karma for reminding me that I look like shit," he says and he sighs, "are you okay, though? You fainted when we were watching the Liorenth," he adds. I nod and do not say anything for a while. Now that he brought that up, I do remember passing out cold. I also remember that I kind of felt the same pain the Liorenth was feeling when everything was being done on him. What is happening to me? I think. I do not know much about Luminos, in fact, no one does. That is why we have been capturing them and experiment on them. But even though I have been doing this must of my life, capturing and killing Luminos. But with this trio, that is another story.

Every time I look at them or a thought of them crosses my mind for even a second, I cannot stop thinking, what if I was in their place? How would it make me feel that my whole existence does not mean shit to anyone and that I am not safe anywhere I go? These thoughts keep running through my mind even when Hongbin snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Rude," I say as I take off the blanket that was covering me. I look at my clothes and see that I am wearing something a bit more comfortable. It is certain not the clothes I was wearing before. "How long have I been out?" I ask Hongbin.

He scratches the back of his neck and says, "About a week and a half, Wonshik and I have been taking turns to look after you. Your blood pressure was low so was your sugar pressure. The doctor said it might be because something is stressing you, can you please telling me what has been stressing you out so much that cause you to faint?"

My eyes widen as he tells me all this information. I have been unconscious for a week and a half because of stress. I do not answer him for a few minutes until I can come up with what I have been stressing about. It is pretty obvious already but I am afraid to admit it. What exactly will I tell Hongbin and Wonshik? That I have been feeling pity and bad about capturing Taekwoon, Jaehwan, and Sanghyuk? That I am thinking of breaking them out of here and actually try to help them out? No, I cannot say that to him but at the same time, I cannot do this alone.

You might be thinking, Hakyeon, why are you doing this all of the sudden? Why do you want to free these that you used to call monsters, these whose species killed your mother? Well, I have thought a lot about this and even if my mom was alive right now, she would not want me to kill these Luminos. I remember my mom used to be fascinated by them, sadly one had to kill her but I know not every single one of them is like that one. Just meet Taekwoon, Jaehwan, and Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk, that poor little guy did not want Taekwoon to hurt me, not even the slightest. Jaehwan, well that is another story but Taekwoon.

Taekwoon could have just disobeyed Sanghyuk. Taekwoon is a Liorenth, he is of a higher ranked after all. He did not need to hear the pleas Sanghyuk made for me to be left alive but he did. Though Taekwoon did act on instinct that first time, the second time we met he did not do anything. Absolutely nothing. He knew why we were there, and he did not do anything to stop us. Not that he let himself get taken by us willingly but he did not fight. In which, I think he and the others need a chance. A chance to prove to the people not every single one of them are dangerous and it is a chance I am willingly like to give them.

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