chapter eight

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A few weeks have passed and everything has been tranquil. Well, aside with Hakyeon still being unconscious and getting a fever with an extreme temperature every now and then. Also, Taekwoon fainting more than two times a day, every time Hakyeon gets a fever. No one, including himself, comprehends what is happening. He is not sure why he suddenly feels like he is burning and that will make him not being able to breathe properly. Which results in him fainting.

All that aside, the others had found a few pieces of clothes in the bedrooms of the cabin. There was still some health essentials in the bathroom where they found the first aid kit and the medium size cabin has three bedrooms. Which means they needed to share rooms. Since Jaehwan and Hyuk still do not feel comfortable around those two other hunters, they decided to be each other's roommates. The other two hunters will be sharing the other room. Leaving Taekwoon with Hakyeon.

He was not technically relaxed with the idea of sleeping in the same room as Hakyeon. So, he opted for sleeping on the living room couch for a few nights. Those nights were restless nights, with the couch being uncomfortable as fuck and Hakyeon's fever spiking up in the middle of the night. It is safe to say, he did not have a blink of sleep those few nights. Fortunately, Hakyeon has been getting them less and less this past week. Which was a relief for everyone, especially Taekwoon since now he can breathe calmly.

Today, especially, has been oddly calm. Hakyeon's fevers have diminished gradually but today, it has been completely calm. No sudden burning in his skin. No sudden having problem breathing. Nothing. Which Taekwoon was thanking the gods for it but very worried about what is actually happening. Not knowing what is actually happening nor knowing the consequences of what he did will bring Hakyeon. He had acted out of instinct. He just wanted to save the man that took them out of that horrible place. Even if he was the one who got them there in the first place.

But what is done, is done. All they could do is wait. Wait until Hakyeon wakes up and see if it has done something to him.

"Taekwoon hyung!" Hyuk screams, breaking the trance that Taekwoon was in. Taekwoon did not notice he was looking at the bare wall in front of him for almost ten minutes. He shakes his head and looks at Hyuk, "What is it?" he asks calmly as if Hyuk's scream did not scare the shit out of him.

"I'm hungry," Hyuk says as he looks down, puckering. He might be 19 years old but he still acts like a baby. Taekwoon chuckles, "There is a bit of food in the fridge. Also, there are more people in this house, you could have asked them."

Taekwoon stands from the stool he was sitting on and walks towards the fridge. He opens it and takes out a rabbit he had managed to trap two days ago. It was weird that the city still supplied energy to the out of the city limit houses. Like barely anyone lives out of the city anymore but it has come in convenient. It means the fridge works and now they can store whatever they catch in there. The humans, I mean, Hongbin and Wonshik have slowly been getting accustomed to what they have to eat.

There is no supermarket or a convenience store to buy them what they have been adapted to. So, all they could eat it was what Taekwoon, Hyuk and Jaehwan catch. Well, they could hunt with them but, as they say, they better leave it to the 'professionals'.

"Here," Taekwoon says as he hands the rabbit to Hyuk. Hyuk complaints and takes it. Even though he is hungry, he is lazy. He was expecting Taekwoon to actually help him but apparently, he won't. He actually wanted Taekwoon to cook it so he and Hongbin could eat it. He does not know how to cook so, Hongbin will have to deal with the little snacks they brought from the HQ. He sighs and takes a bite into the rabbit's neck, drinking its blood.

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