Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Kelly urges me downstairs. I have to squint as I follow a step behind him, studying the movements of his feet to make sure I don't trip. Once again the haunting light of the flames dances across the wall in a pattern of soft shadows.

We turn the corner into the living room, and Bogdan glances up at us. For a split second, I'm confused that he almost seems to be expecting us. But my confusion fades as quickly as it arises. Of course he's expecting us; he heard the entire thing.

They both did.

He angles his body just slightly in his high-backed, leather chair and nods for us to take a seat as well. Kelly sits in the high-backed chair across from him, leaving me with the plush armchair in the corner.

Being in Bogdan's presence so soon after our moment of intimacy ignites my desire all over again. He finally gave me a small taste of what it could be like to be with him – really be with him – and now I want even more.

I want it all.

Bogdan's expression is unreadable as I take a seat. The redness in his eyes has once again transformed to a rich auburn color from our recent feeding, and I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing it was my blood that helped quench his hunger.

"You need to convince her to stay," Bogdan says after a moment of silence.

Kelly nods, pursing his lips as if he wants to add more...but he doesn't. I awkwardly shift in my chair, suddenly feeling far smaller and shorter than the two of them.

"How?" I ask. "Nothing I say will make a difference."

Kelly's jaw tightens. "You haven't even tried, Finn."

I shoot a glare to my best friend. "And what exactly would you have me say to her, Kelly? To stick around until her last shreds of self-worth have fallen to pieces? Or how about her only remaining friend is asking here to stay here when everything about this goes against everything she believes in?"

"Either will do," he mutters sarcastically under his breath.

There's a twinge of guilt lingering in his voice, though, and it's enough to tell me that he sees my point. How can I ask Fiona to stay here, especially after seeing how upset she was tonight? Succumbing to a live feeding was hard enough for her. Sleeping with the 'enemy' brought it to a level I know she wasn't prepared for.

"I can't," I say simply.

Bogdan's eyes narrow. "You can and you will."

"Why?" I ask, my question far gentler than the last.

My vampire's nostrils flare, and anger flits across his features in the same fashion as the flickering flames against the walls.

"Because she is Kelly's source of blood," Bogdan answers simply. "And having her around insures that I have another vampire fighting by my side should we need to protect you."

Kelly nods in agreement.

"Besides," Bogdan adds coldly. "She knows too much. For someone who claims to hate immortals, she didn't seem all too concerned about offering up her blood to one in exchange for freedom. If she gets desperate again and gets into the wrong hands, I don't want her using what she knows about us as a bargaining chip."

It's the first thing that Bogdan says that makes my opinion sway. I don't care what Fiona says about me to someone else, but Bogdan is right. She does know a lot, including the location of my vampire's real home. If she ever used that and it somehow ended up hurting Bogdan, I would never forgive her. Or myself.

The Consort (MalexMale) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now