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“At the time when darkness prevails,

The son of Nature will await a trail,

A trick that exposes the one of three,

The old foes meet at the place there shouldn’t be,

Their return shall yield more than one can see,

And as the rightful teller of the great prophecy,

I dare declare not one but three.”

A pair of sparking green eyes opened in a flash as the words echoed across the universe. A beautiful lady in a greenish yellow dress swiftly stood up, and the chair she was sitting on blended into the air and disappeared. Her tree-bark colored hair flowed behind her as she paced the room, her attractive green eyes darted around as she realized that the great prophecy she had be awaiting for so long had eventually arrived. It is time. She thought to herself as she looked down to Earth below her as if sensing the chaos the voice has caused down there. She waved her hand with a flowery grace and she began to glow. A blinding flash of light followed and she, Mother Nature, disappeared.



The sun rose from the horizon spreading an orange-red mixture of heat and light as the new day emerged. The dawn was more beautiful than usual. Trees, birds, and all other life forms were well awake and a cool breeze was drifting through the air. The scene was beautiful, unusual, yet a sight to watch. Small life forms were still, as if awaiting someone. The long wait was over as a baby appeared at the doorstep of a house from thin air. The wind blew harder, leaves were the greenest possible and fruits on trees were only the ripest. The rivers sparkled as light touched them. The silent morning was filled with the baby’s cry. The sun shone harder with dignity and pleasure and wind was the strongest in years. A flash of light appeared near the baby and Mother Nature materialized from thin air. She took the baby and he immediately stopped crying, as if he knew there was nothing to be afraid of. His big green eyes stared at Mother Nature curiously and he smiled softly with his rosy red lips.

The Fates have made it clear that you will play a major role. Destiny has much in store for you, Little One. But even I have to abide by the rules of the Universe. You will make me proud.” Mother Nature spoke softly into the baby’s ear.

The baby’s face became dark as if sensing what was going to happen next. Mother Nature placed the baby boy back on the doorstep and he began to cry once again. Mother Nature once again disappeared in a flash of blinding light.

Doors opened and people came out stretching and yawning, took their newspapers and went back inside to enjoy their usual Saturday morning. The baby’s cries became louder as the door of the house opened. A man with a small beard walked out, shielding his eyes as the sun shone hard on his face. His eyes grew wide with disbelief, confusion and amazement replaced his morning laziness as he saw the beautiful baby boy at his doorstep.                                                                                                                                                                                              

Meanwhile, very close to the house where the baby boy was found, an old man in his 70’s was walking to the park with his walking stick. He had a smile on his face as he sat on his favorite bench. He looked up to the sun and took a deep breath.

“The time has come Mr. Roward, the boy has been born.” A voice told the old man.

The old man turned to the direction of the voice and noticed a woman in her 40’s. She was wearing a yellow shirt and light blue pants. Her shining beautiful face and her twinkling green eyes resembled that of Mother Nature’s but her hair was light blue. To normal people, it would look as if she had dyed her hair, but for those of her kind knew otherwise. She spoke in a sweet high-pitched voice. A spark of recognition flashed across the old man’s face and he beamed at her.

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