The History

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When the Earth was formed, the age of Uralieus began. He was the Lord of Sand, Time and Ice. He was unrivalled and he craved for chaos. Some parts of the world was filled with sand, and the rest, ice. He created terrible monsters whose only purpose was to destroy and kill. It is said that he had the power to hypnotise anything. The world was cold and the sun was yet to exist.

Nature and Vitomanus found their way to earth. Even history does not know from where they come from or how they landed on Earth. But they decided a change was needed. They together, challenged Uralieus to stop chaos once and for all. A massive war ensued that was said to last thousands of years.

Eventually, Nature and Vitomanus together managed to trap Uralieus in the core of the Earth, where he is said to lie in eternal pain even to this day. However, they could not stop his influence on Earth fully. It is said that every time he roars, it sends a destructive wave through Earth - what we call Natural disasters today. It is also rumoured that he still manages to hypnotise beings to this day. There has however been no proof to this yet.

Once Uralieus was overthrown, the world was divided between Nature and Vitomanus. Nature got the land above where she created plants, trees, animals and Protectors. She creates special Protectors called as "Destined-Ones". They are said to be the leaders of Protectors who have heightened senses as well as incredible powers. They are the keepers of the world above and are considered to be closest to Nature. To this day, no one knows the extend to which the Destined-Ones powers can go up to. It is said to be connected to their spirit and soul.

The Understers are the creations of Vitomanus. They are creatures of the dark that prey on fear. And they are keepers of the monsters created by Vitomanus to protect the Netherworlds. It is said that these monsters can escape to the outside world when it is dark, such as at night or during an eclipse.

Vitomanus and Nature together made a sword and a shield which helped them defeat Uralieus. It contained both the power of dark and light. The sun and the moon. The sword was kept by Vitomanus and the shield by Nature. The wielder of the sword and shield get unlimited power but it had serious side effects. The wielders life reduced by one year every day they wield it and once they stop holding them, it would have drained so much energy that the wielder usually passes out. Since Nature and Vitomanus can't die, their powers would be drained and it would take significant time to gain their powers back.

However the friendship between Nature and Vitomanus took a sour turn when Vitomanus grew jealous of Nature's feats on the world above. Vitomanus wanted a share of the world above as well, which Nature strongly denied. Over time, tensions grew, boundaries were breached and creatures of both sides suffered. This lead to a huge war which, with the help of the very first Destined-One's bravery (Paul Moflies), Nature won.

Paul Moflies voluntarily took up the challenge despite realising his eventual death. He stole the sword from Vitomanus and Nature defeated Vitomanus. After the war, Paul was given the task of hiding both the sword and shield in separate places. The repercussions he faced ultimately killed him, just as he predicted. It is said that the battle, although it ended quickly, drained Nature much more than it drained Vitomanus. Even Nature herself doesn't know this place where Paul had hidden the shield and sword.

Since then, Vitomanus has been healing and growing his army. Nature knows that it's only a matter of time till another war begins. Last time she had an unbelievably brave sacrificial pawn called Paul Moflies. And for the next inevitable war? Well that's where Mark comes in. Can he live up to the new challenges that might be given to him and if so, will it kill him?

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