Chapter 16

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"Careful Mark!" John shouted. I caught my balance and stood relieved. I had just begun to walk after two weeks in bed. It was still a bit painful, but the pain had gradually died over time. "Don't try too hard you are not fully recovered yet." He advised. I nodded. I didn't want to waste any energy talking, I needed them. I hadn't had any training or any classes for a long time. It was going to begin next week, when my wounds get better.

Hours flew into days and days became weeks. I can finally walk normally and now started to run as well bearing only a little pain. My wounds have nearly healed but the Healers told me that there will be a permanent mark on my chest in the shape of an 'X'. My sword-training had begun and so have all the other classes. One new thing I liked was the praise I kept receiving for doing extremely well in the Anicapture game. Monica too had a very high opinion of me now.

I was in my room alone after a month had passed since the Anicapture game. Mr. Rowland came in. "Hello Mark, I heard that you are getting alone fine." He exclaimed cheerfully. I smiled. "Yes, I am all well and fine." I replied in the same tone. Mr. Rowland and I held eye contact. His face turned into a sad, depressed one. I knew he was thinking about the prophecy. I somehow knew that the news has leaked out about a Destined-one's connection to the prophecy told by the Unifate. I looked away signing. "Don't worry Mark; it might not be about you at all." He assured. But I had all the reason to worry. Monica had not been called by Nature, I know what I did in the game and I had all the chances to being part of that prophecy. There was a distance call for Mr. Rowland. He tried to smile and left the room. I took in a deep breath. There was still time. I can get ready for this. But my main focus now was to gain control over my Power, which showed no signs of existence right now.

I realized that my life had changed so much since that day when I had begged my step-dad to visit that old man who became so close to me in such a short period of time. I had a whole new life now. No one had any control over me now. It was like I was in a whole new world. A world with new dangers at every step. Terrorism in the ordinary world seems like a minor event compared to that of the war that is going to take place in a few years time. Maybe it is this war that future tellers in the ordinary world kept telling- that the end of the human race is drawing near, but then again, maybe it isn't. What ever it is, if Vitomanus doesn't join forces with Nature, that three-way war will decide the fate of this planet. If Vitomanus does join forces, Nature has a very good chance of repeating history and destroying Uralieus yet again. It all narrows down to the decision Vitomanus takes.

But it is not that easy, for Vitomanus to join forces with Nature, she will have to give some part of the above world to him. Both are proud and filled with dignity. Neither of them wants to see themselves on the losers side of the table. I sighed. It was going to be harder than to take a visit to the Netherworlds and agree the joint forces deal. But that is between Nature and Vitomanus. I was needed just to practice and do my best for Nature, and now, I just have to let time and destiny make me ready for this dooms-day to come. Oh boy, what a fun ride that is going to be!

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