Chapter 10

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The narrow tunnel enlarged into a small room. The room had no other way to go, except for the one we came through. I stood up confused.
"This is the right tunnel isn't it?" I asked Lara.
"Yea, you saw that sign, didn't you?" She replied.
"Well, what shall we do now? It is a dead end!" I exclaimed while trying to push the walls. Lara looked carefully along the sides of the wall.
"What are you looking for?"
"I just thought there might be some button to enter through." She answered. I did the same. But there was none. The room was empty, except for a rock that was at one of the corners of the room. I looked at the rock and an idea came in my head.

I went to the rock and tried to take it. It was a fake rock. I had pulled a lid or cap sort of thing. As soon as I opened the cap, there was a black button. Lara came and saw the button.
"Press it, it must be the one."
I pressed it.

The wall parallel to the tunnel opened and there was another tunnel, larger and darker this time. I slid my phone and my sword appeared. "What are you doing?" Lara questioned curiously.
"I'm marking how to get through, if Monica is going to come through."
I had to admit, that was very thoughtful of me. I carved an arrow pointing to the rock on the ground. My sword returned to the phone disguise.
"Let's go." I said. I found myself strangely brave at that moment. I walked towards the opening and took a cautious step into the tunnel and Lara followed followed close behind. Although the tunnel was dark, I could see a speck of light at the far end. As we walked slowly towards this speck of light, we saw the the source of the light. It was an old rusty lantern hung on the wall. And the tunnel ended with a metal door. It made a creaking sound opened. It was a form of lift, a very old design. As the lift opened, light from inside it flooded the tunnel. We suddenly noticed a chair next to the lift. And a creature was sitting on it. The creature looked exactly like humans, except for the eyes which were deep red and its teeth were sharp. My hand slipped into the pocket where I kept the phone.
"Well! What do we have here? More puny Protectors?" The creature spoke grinning ear to ear.
"King Vitomanus will want to see you! Follow me." It spoke while entering the lift and gesturing us to follow. The lift was lit up by fire on one of the sides.
"Mark, if we let this creature take us to King Vitomanus, we won't have any chance of escaping." Lara whispered in my ear. She was right. If this creature takes us to King Vitomanus, then we are as good as dead. I carefully took my phone out and nudged Lara. She understood. The lift was traveling deep underground at an intense speed. I slid my phone and the green light startled the creature momentarily.
"Put it away fools, you will only fall into more trouble." The creature laughed. I was confused of what to do next. Lara changed her sword back into a pen and held it tightly in her hand. I change my sword back to a mobile phone and I too held it in my hand.
"Good, now follow me and don't try any tricks on the way!" It warned and started to laugh again. A part of me wanted to fight my way through, but I didn't want anything to happen to Lara, so I reluctantly followed through.
The lift finally opened. What I saw was amazing!

It was a completely different world there. Light came from fires all around the place. It was like an underground street, with Understers everywhere. Although it was not as developed like the above world, you have got to give credit to the Understers for creating this. I looked in awe at the normal life the Understers were having. There were families shopping, there were even parks. I glanced at Lara and saw that she too was stunned at the sight. "Come on, the King waits."
Everyone was looking at us as we walked by. A short while later, we reached a grand gate surrounded by a huge wall. It was being protected by two Understers in armour and a spear that glowed orange. The guards let us go through and looked at us like we're going to be dead meat. Inside was a magnificent castle, colored black and golden. The Understers took us inside. The entire way was lit by fire hanging along the walls. There were so many rooms on the ground floor itself. The Understers took us to the second floor and there was another huge door with a golden crown on the door. He knocked on the door and opened it. It was a fancy room with a black throne at the other end and on the throne, sat the scariest looking thing I have ever seen in my entire life!

The Shield Of Broverold (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang