Chapter 14

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The west team had already started to make their way towards the forest. I gave the command and my team too started. I shouted for everyone to go in twos and gave them an area to search as we moved deeper and deeper into the sparkling forest. I made my way towards the center of the forest with John. There were so many animals in the forest that it was then that I realized that this 'finding an animal' was not at all easy. But no knowing what you were looking for was practically hopeless, unless if you were a Protector, then you'd have some chance. "I wonder how we're gonna find this animal! It could be anywhere! We would take days!" John exclaimed searching franticly around the thick vegetation. It suddenly occurred to me that there was no time limit for the game, so we would go on and on looking for days until we find this animal! This was challenging! This game covered the basic survival challenge as well as the hunting and searching! "We're going to have to search every bit." I replied still shocked. There was a scream somewhere off to our right. "What was that?" I cried panicking. "I don't know but we would have to ignore it, it could be a trick." John gave a surprising reply. "But...what if it is one of our teammates?" I asked shocked. John ignored my question and walked on. I stood there staring at the trees to where the scream had come from. "Look, I am a leader; I must help whoever that was." I said strongly. John stopped and looked at me angrily. "THE AIM IS TO FIND AN ANIMAL! NOT HELP WHOEVER YOU FIND!" He yelled. My anger rose, I couldn't believe that John had no sympathy or any other feeling to help others in danger. But before I could reply, I heard a rustle. The roar came all of a sudden that it must have shaken the entire forest. A dog-like creature came out and glared at us with its gleaming blood-shot eyes. It had yellow-orange fur and black sharp claws, but the scariest thing was that it was looking directly at me.

I raised my sword and got ready to fight. The automated monster crouched as if it was about to pounce. John came by my side and the automated monster turned to look at him. The monster pounced at me I slashed my sword. There was sparks and the monster fell at my feet, not dead, but it had a minor cut on its forehead. It got up and revealed its teeth like a warning that it is about to bite. I attacked it and it got another small cut. Then before it got a chance to attack, John had slashed it. I could see that it was really angry; it pounced on me before I could slash at it and took a piece of my arm. At first, it felt like a small cut, but it began to sting badly. "Are you ok?" John asked filled with concern. I didn't reply. I was drowned in the pain. It was no ordinary pain; it started to spread all over the body. The monster growled once again and John raised his sword and jumped in front of me. I fell on my knees and I didn't know what was going on. Something has happened! The monster just bit my arm and it can't bring this much pain! Then I felt a cool breeze in the air. It felt nice on my paining body. John and the Monster stopped and looked around confused. My pain decreased and I suddenly got angry. I got angry at Mr. Rowland for getting me into all this, angry at Lucus who kept ruining my childhood and angry at my own life for not being normal. I smelt the familiar smell of water, fresh water. Strange power flooded my body. A power that was unlocked previously at the woodland that created an earthquake. I stood up and gripped my sword as hard as possible. I looked at the place where the monster bit through the armour. Then I looked at the monster with pure hatred. I pushed John aside and he landed 5 feet away with a yell of surprise and pain. The creature crouched ready to attack. I was not...myself. I was that person that existed deep inside me...eager for revenge and unstoppable. I yelled and swiped the monster with my sword. There was a yelp of surprise and pain and a loud sound of metal hitting against metal. The next thing I saw was the monster's head lying at my feet, still looking shock and surprised. The anger and power was still there. I turned to a scared looking John. "Follow me." I commanded in a tone that didn't sound like me at all. The power controlled me. I sensed my surroundings and felt my area. I knew my exact location and position. My eyes closed and the picture flashed into my head. A golden mouse was running through the trees at high speed. My eyes opened and I started running deeper into the forest moving at a speed even I was surprised at. "Hey! Mark! Wait up...slow down!" John shouted. I ignored and continued to run.

An arrow whizzed past my head, missing it by inches. My senses grew alert and my eyes saw Monica hidden among the trees aiming another arrow at me. My hand instinctively raised the sword and adrenaline flowed through the body. My anger had decreased, but the power was still dominant. I saw the arrow as it left Monica. I gripped the sword and as the arrow flew close to me, my reflexes took over and I stepped aside. I sliced the arrow in half as it traveled past my head. I glanced at Monica and saw that she was amazed at what I had done. A sound was heard and my focus immediately changed to the golden mouse that was running past my foot. Monica let out a delighted yell as she raced after it. I ran after it with my eyes seeing nothing but the mouse racing away between the trees. Monica looked at me and aimed a quick arrow at me to get me off course. The arrow sprouted from my chest and I let out a howl of pain and surprise. But I still ran, bearing the pain as my anger returned. There was a sudden roar and a monster suddenly appeared in the path between the mouse and me and pounced at me. I fell to the ground and the monster swiped at me with its claws. I screamed, this time with all my might. Blood was pouring out rapidly. The power was the strongest I have ever felt. It was raging within my skin. I felt it surging up my strength as my forehead touched the muddy ground. I felt vibrations in the ground and it was growing stronger and stronger. The silent promise I had made to my team that this team will win suddenly felt impossible. A tree fell, crushing the surprised looking monster and killing it instantly. A squeaking sound was heard close to my ears and I turned to the sound. The golden mouse was staring at me. I used all my strength to make my hand move towards the mouse and grab it. Slowly my hand responded and moved towards the mouse. My senses were decreasing rapidly and my eyes were shutting involuntarily. The mouse gave a high pitched squeal as it realized what I was trying to do. It made an attempt to run away but somehow I was ready for that move. I gave up my body's last bit of energy for making an attempt to pounce on the scurrying mouse. More trees fell and screams were continuously heard in my ears, but my body failed to respond to them. I continued to lay on the ground, totally unable to move my body. I was tired, and filled with pain as I allowed my eyes to shut gradually. I was still on the ground, and the only consciousness in my body was this strange power.

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