Chapter 13

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We raced to the top of the hill in the final moments of the quest, feeling much happier but a lot more tired that how we left the hill. I saw the tip of the castle emerging while we were climbing and felt even happier to see it. We burst through the gates and shouted in joy, starling animals and others nearby. Everyone crowded around us and cheered for us. I took out the small rock from my pocket and held it with pride. Mr. Rowland and Brianna rushed towards us pushing everyone to come to us. "My dears! We thought you were gone! What happened after you went to collect the shield?" Mr. Rowland asked eagerly. Brianna too looked worried but a lot happier to see us. "I'm glad you all are fine!" Brianna said hugging me. "Thanks, and here it is...the shield I mean." I replied showing the rock which was transforming back into a shield in my hand. Mr. Rowland took it and gasped as the beauty of it and the others crowded around to see the ancient shield.

"Well done, I must say... I think we need a good dinner to welcome our fine protectors." Mr. Rowland said smiling. "We'd love that!" John replied grinning. As soon as he said that, my stomach growled in hunger. I hadn't eaten for days. I hadn't had a wink of sleep without worrying about monsters. But now I was happy. Some small troubles worried my at the back of my mind, nagging me, but I put it aside. I would listen to them after a good sleep and food. "Coming Mark?" Lara asked waiting. I nodded and ran towards the magnificent castle.

Dinner was the best one in my life. I know I have said that a lot of times, but this felt 10 times refreshing than the first dinner I had here. As we were eating Mr. Rowland gave an announcement. "Dear Protectors, as you all might be aware; the season of Anicapture is arriving. We would have it in two weeks time." He announced looking excited. I wondered what this season was about. I nudged John who happened to sit next to me. "What is he talking about?" I asked gobbling up my food. "You'll see." He replied smiling. I knew that I had to wait to find out. After the dinner, we sang and talked in the campfire that was set up. It was lovely. There were excited conversations about the season but I didn't interfere. In fact, I didn't even care about it. I was happy here and that is all that mattered, right then. The campfire ended and we all retired for the night.

The week was perfect. It was normal, to be more specific in the Protectors point of view at least. Anyways, I trained, I played and most importantly I enjoyed, even the theory classes. I had had a perfect Protectors life for a week, without getting a bruise or a cut! On the meeting that night, Mr. Rowland reminded us about the Anicapture season. But this time, he explained it to us the rules and all.
"Before we end dinner, I would like to talk about the Anicapture game we're going to have in a week's time. New comers, listen up. There will only be two teams that consist of equal number of players. The game is about capturing an animal. Not any animal, a golden animal. It will be released into the forest and these two teams will have to find it and return it safely into there corresponding base which will be the west side and the east side of the forest. These two teams won't be fighting against each other as usual." Mr. Rowland explained. A sudden chatter broke up. Apparently, the rules have changed, a bit.
"There shall be a group of automated monsters that will be fighting for the golden animal as well, not to compete with you guys, but to kill it. And mark my words, they are not like ordinary monsters, these are very hard to defeat." "What is the animal this time?" Arni asked. "That shall not be reveled, you would have to find that yourselves on that day." Came the reply. "Can we kill others?" a boy asked from the crowd. There were giggles breaking up but Mr. Rowland looked so serious that the laughter died as quick as it began.
"NO killing or maiming allowed, any such activities and that team will be disqualified and serious consequences will ensue." Mr. Rowland said sternly.

Then suddenly Mr. Rowland looked at me and his expression changed. I saw faces staring at me in dis-belief. I looked at myself and saw a familiar green glow around me, like an outline of my body. I moved, and the outline moved too.
"Oh my God! The Glow! Well...It has been confirmed...the second Destined-One in this generation has been revealed and is right here before our eyes! Mark Crater is the second Destined-One!" Mr. Rowland shouted.
I couldn't believe it!
"I knew it! I told you then!" I heard Monica whisper near me. It all happened so suddenly.
"Then it's settled, the leaders of the two teams will be the two Destined-Ones. After all we need to see how well Mark can lead a team." I got another shock. I was supposed to lead a team to win a game? I was really beginning to hate the Destined-One thing.

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