Chapter 6

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"So, what do you do here, besides training and fighting?" I asked John.

He had taken me for a tour around the entire place and it was then that I realized that the place was much larger than it seems. There was a huge arena for sword fighting practice and to the right of that was the arena for archery. From what John told me, the Great Building was more like an office for the entire place. The place where everyone stayed was the building right next to the Great Building and everyone called it the Halls. Between the Great Building and the Halls was a wooden house like building, not even half the size of the two grand buildings. It was the Warehouse, where weapons and armory of all kinds were stored.

"Well, it depends, what you like to do, you can do almost anything here, I'm sure you will find other people who like what you like." He replied smiling.

I nodded with a smile and saw a girl running towards us. She too had the usual protector features.

"Hey John! Oh, who is this?" She asked looking at me curiously.

"Lara, hey! Oh this is Mark Crater, a newest recruit." He replied winking at me "oh and Mark, this is Lara. We both got recruited or rather found at around the same time, sometime last year." He told me.

"Well, glad you made it here!" She beamed at me.

I smiled back.

I finally felt as if I belonged somewhere. I was also happy that everyone was really friendly here. It was hardly an hour since entering Nature-Top Hill and I figured that I can get along with them pretty well. They took showed me the arena and it was then that I noticed what looked like a forest behind the arenas. And it wasn't just a forest. It went acres and acres and looked literally endless from where I stood.

"Is that a forest?" I asked spellbound.

"That? Yep, it looks amazing doesn't it? Legend says that it was the very first jungle ever created. They say one can find almost any species in there." Lara replied sounding equally amazed as I was. We stopped the tour after a while to admire the beauty of the forest. Now let me make myself very clear. Nature has never been any beautiful! There was a HUGE banyan tree far in the distance. I was told that was supposed to be the centre of the forest.

I could have stayed there staring at the forest sunset my entire life, but a bell was heard from somewhere nearby. John and Lara shook me from my stance and took me to the open area in front of the buildings. An enormous campfire had been set in the centre and chairs surrounded it. To the right of it was tables and chairs and to its left was lots of tables with empty plates.

"Protectors, take a seat. We are running out of time." I heard Mr. Rowland shouting from the tables.

As we walked towards the campfire, I saw at least a hundred protectors already sitting and at least fifty more making their way to the site.

I was wondering who was going to bring the food when Mr. Rowland waved his hands and the empty plates began to fill up with all sorts of food. Within seconds, the delicious smell of the food had reached my nose and had started to make my stomach go wild.

"Where do we eat if there is a storm or something?" I asked John as we took our plates and started to serve ourselves. "Impossible! It never rains here unless we want it to!" He said that also in a very-obvious answer tone.

"Hurry up guys! The dinner is served and the Weapons claiming ceremony is about to begin!" Lara's voice shouted over her shoulder as she helped herself with a huge serving of salad.

I walked with John to her table wondering what ceremony that was.

The dinner was fabulous, the best dinner I have ever eaten in my entire lifetime. I met a few other people also. There was this guy whose name was Arni Mctone who was the funniest person I had ever seen in my entire life. He did the craziest things to make others laugh! There was also this girl called Monica who was claimed to be really good with the bow and arrows and she even showed me after dinner. Arni put a strawberry on my head and Monica stood around 20 meters away to shoot at it! I knew that either I would be very lucky or I'm dead. She did it! She had a deadly accuracy!

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