Chapter 15

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My eyes flicked open. My senses came back. I expected to see the jungle ground but I didn’t. It was pitch black and couldn't see anything. I tried to move my body but I couldn’t. It was like some invisible force held me firm. I found myself floating in mid darkness. My surrounding changed. The darkness disappeared and a room appeared from nowhere all around me and pictures of trees, birds and the sunshine appeared on the walls. I was still floating as the furniture appeared. I began to lower down onto a chair. I had no idea where I was and what happened. I was put softly on a chair and i felt the the invisible force finally leave me. A door appeared in the room and it opened almost immediately.

The most beautiful lady I have ever seen was standing there. She walked in towards me. She sat on the sofa that had appeared from thin air. She was wearing a dress with a weird color combination – orange, yellow, green and blue. She had sparkling green eyes and deep brown hair. Her lips were as deep as the reddest apple in the world. There was something about her that radiated power, like the Netherworld Lord but only a pleasant sort of power.

“Hello Mark.” The lady spoke in a sweet familiar voice. I didn’t reply. I couldn’t even open my mouth. I was stunned by her beauty.

“I think you would know who I am, don’t you? You would have heard my voice before, am I right?” She spoke softly and confidently. She smiled. “Mother?” I said in wonder, I was in a completely different world.
“Yes, now I suppose I have to start from the beginning. You must have a lot of questions.” Nature told as if she had gone through all of this before. “What happen? Did I die? Where am I?” I asked.
She stopped me from asking any more.
“You are in a part of Naturia , my homeland and the closest place to Heaven.” She replied. "And, did you die? That is for you to decide, everyone decides whether to live or to die.” She answered simply. I was confused.
“I don’t understand. How did I get here and back there in the forest…?” I stopped as flashbacks of me appeared in my head.
“Mark. It was your powers that controlled you then. As you know, Destined-ones have powers much different to ordinary Protectors. You will have to learn to control your powers.” She told calmly.
“What powers!” I asked curiously. “You will have to find out yourself.” She replied. “Why am I here?” I questioned looking around.
“I had to tell you something important, so I brought you here.” She said looking dead serious.
“There is a prophecy told by the Unifate about the fate of Earth.” She explained, her face suddenly turning grim.
“What is Unifate? Oh God, it that trying to kill me too?” I asked almost as a reflex.
“It is the fate and future teller of the universe; it is the only thing in this entire universe that knows the fate of Earth.” She said and continued.
“It had said a few years ago that a Destined-one will decide the fate of the above world and the entire earth.” She told. I was stunned. There had to be a reason of why she was telling me this.
“Which Destined-one did it talk about?” I asked.
She stared at me.
“Is it me?” I questioned.
“We don’t know. It could be any one of the Destined-one in this generation.” She replied “The war between Nature and Olimusus is close, but a new problem has arisen just in the mist of it also! Bad things are happening Mark, and it is not the war between the Understers and us that is the current problem. Uralieus is rising. I can sense it. If we don’t do something fast, history will repeat itself. This is the final war that will change the entire world. Either Vitomanus will fight along with us or it’ll be a three way war going on-which is much worse. Either the entire world will remain as it is or it will end up in eternal darkness or even worse, in a state of ice, sand and eternal torture.” Nature explained with sadness.
“So in this war, a Destined-one will have to decide the fate of the Earth?” I said understanding. I paused for a moment. “But what will they have to decide?” I continued.
She shook her head. “A decision he or she must face to sacrifice one for the other.” This was all she said. “I do not know which this Destined-one, the Unifate was talking about.” She replied. There was silence.
Finally Nature spoke. “This talk between us will remain a secret and I want you to train hard and learn to control your powers, for there will be much more difficult problems to face before this war.” She concluded. I nodded.
“As I have told you before dear, the sword is not only the weapon you posses.
“Um, Nature? I have something to ask you, How come this …power of mine…keep coming at random times?” I asked.
“Mark, you have not yet learned to control it. Destined-one’s powers are connected deep to their soul. You should not let your emotions control the power. This leads to doing things without thinking and that's extremely dangerous. You should not let the power control you.” She explained smiling. “One more thing Mark, before we part.” Nature said.
I looked at her wondering what more possibly could she have to tell.
“Your sword is an immortal weapon. It is a powerful blade made from a divine element called as Allortia merged with steel, it contains dangerous powers. Do not underestimate its power, Mark.” She spoke as if she was revealing a dark truth.
“Remember whatever I told you and train hard for I have my bets on you.” This was the final thing she said. She smiled and started to merge with the air around. Soon, she was fully dissolved in the air. The room began to fade away and the invisible force came back. I was carried back to mid-air and darkness surrounded me once again. I began to close my eyes.

My eyes opened slowly. The vision was blurred. I felt normal but extremely tired. I found myself in the same position I fell unconscious at. I tried to move and immediately pain coursed through my body. I painfully turned around as my vision cleared and I slowly looked at myself. My chest was scraped and the cuts had cut through the metal and the skin underneath. Mr. Rowland was right, these monsters were much stronger. My right hand was unmovable. The arrow still stuck to my chest. There was no one in sight. The happenings of the game kept flashed into my mind. The silent promise I had made to my team that this team will win suddenly felt impossible. I wondered if Monica had eventually won the game, or whether it was still going on. I saw fallen trees all around me. I closed my eyes, bearing the pain…waiting for a miracle to happen and for the pain to go away.

“MARK!” a voice shouted across the silent forest atmosphere. I opened my eyes. I recognized the voice. It was Monica. But…why was she here looking for me? Had her team already won and she had come here to look for me? I heard more voices calling for me. I tried to call out to them, but as soon as I shouted, my chest began to hurt badly. I waited silently, hoping they would find me. I heard the rustle of leaves and soon enough the rushing of feet. John was at my side. “Mark! Are you ok? You look terrible!” He cried sounding scared and worried. He didn’t wait for an answer. He turned around and called for help. Almost immediately Monica, Lara and about ten others came rushing towards me.

They crowed around me and I heard a person shriek in surprise. “You caught the mouse after all! Mark did it! WE WON!!!!” The screaming voice made me alert. I immediately forgot the pain and asked in a weak voice. “What are you talking about? I didn’t catch any mouse!”
“Well what is that you’re holding then?” The voice demanded. Then I felt movement in my right palm. I still couldn’t move it but I could still feel the mouse trying to escape from my closed palm. There was screams of delight and I faced a millions of congratulations. I tried to smile but couldn’t. Then Mr. Rowland’s voice was heard. “Protectors! Move away from the injured person and allow him to breath.” He commanded sternly. His sternness turned to concern when he saw it was me. He quickly ordered a few strong protectors to carry me back to the castle. I was finally relaxed. But I still didn’t release the mouse. I held it in my palm as a present for all I have been through. As I was carried to the castle, sleep rushed through my body without sparing even the tiniest bit of my body. I slept with ease and without fear. I realized that I was myself again, that strange power has once again deserted me. Images of my unnatural state appeared and it scared me to see that I was a maniac. A maniac who wouldn’t care about anyone but me. A maniac that wouldn’t care to kill.

My eyes opened. I blinked. My blurred vision started to clear. Softness filled all around me. I looked around and recognized my bedroom and I was lying on my bed. There was a table kept on the bedside and on it was a closed cage, with a golden mouse in it. My right arm was in a cast and there were bandages all around my body. How ironic, I thought, to be swiped at my chest twice in the first year itself. My chest still hurt but I experienced more freedom to move without pain crying out from the other body parts.

The door opened and Mr. Rowland entered. I smiled and tried to get up to greet him. “No Mark, I would advise you to not get up and strain yourself too much. You were lucky to be alive you know.” He spoke kindly but with a hint of concern. “You were absolutely brilliant.” He praised with pride. “Thanks, but…it wasn’t me that did all that” I explained “it was…” I stopped. I didn’t know what to say and how to say it. Mr. Rowland’s face darkened. “Mark, I know that your power controlled you but it is still a part of you… and… and even if you had learned to control it…you would use it …right?” He spoke without ease. He was trying to make me feel better. “You just would have to control this…and learn to use it at the right time because if you don’t, you might hurt the wrong person. And you don’t want to do that …do you?” He continued. I shook my head sadly. “How can I control it? I’m not even… myself.” I asked. He gave me a smile of reassurance. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine…I’ll help you.” He promised. He got up, went to the door and turned back towards me, gave a cheerful glance and walked out. I believed him.
I glanced at the golden mouse and managed a smile. This golden mouse represents my power, my abilities and my success. And at that moment I knew, no matter what horrible thing or things that comes my way, I will survive it with the help of my new found family.

The Shield Of Broverold (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz