Chapter 11

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The guard came back with a few more guards. One of them opened our cell door and took me and Lara out and closed the door. "Hey, he is the one who can explain better about how to increase his power." I argued pointing at John. The guard looked at John for a while and took him out as well. I put my hand in my pocket ready to fight. Lara had her pen out already. I looked at John, waiting for him to give the signal. "NOW!" He shouted revealing his sword. He attacked. I slid my phone and attacked the one closest to me. The guards yelled for more to come as we killed them. I noticed that they didn't die like monsters; they died like normal people and lay dead on the floor. More guards came with red glowing swords. We fought with all our might. We did pretty well, and ran out of the room of cells. We looked around for the exit, when we heard a scream. "MONICA!" We shouted together. Well, so much for escaping. Now we had to run further inside to save her. We ran towards the scream. We ran down the stairs and peeked through a corner. There was Monica, facing like a 100 guards at once. And to make things worse, they all had red-glowing swords too. We didn't wait any longer, and ran forward to help. I slashed guards at their backs without their knowledge. We were doing pretty well, until more guards came from behind our backs. Now we were surrounded by angry guards. We decided to form a circle and fight. It was hard and we faced a lot of cuts. We were also tiring out fast, as we lacked sleep and food. Monica continued to fire arrows. She was desperate to survive as she started to fire like 3 or 4 arrows at once. I continued trying not to lose concentration like the last time. The guards were hard to kill as they were very well trained and more kept coming. I was facing three at a time. John was facing five and Lara four.

As we were fighting, I heard a loud roar. A giant monster was what I saw out of the corner of my eye. All the guards started to retreat smiling gleefully. I stopped fighting as my opponents started to back away. The 10 feet monster ran towards us. Lara rolled away just before she got squished like a bug under the enormous feet of the orange monster with red eyes. I gulped and backed away. Monica stared to shoot arrows at it, but it swiped it away like it was some sort of plaything. "Fire at its eyes!" I heard John screaming through the roar of the monster. Monica immediately altered her aim and startled the monster for a moment. We took the opportunity and ran forward to attack it. I stabbed it on its leg and it roared with greater force. Lara had stuck her sword in the belly of the monster and John had somehow climbed on its back and stabbed it on the head. The monster was going mad with us stabbing wherever possible and Monica's deadly aim at its eyes. I guessed that the monster was blind because it was going around banging into walls. John fell down and joined us at a corner watching the crazy circus act of the monster. Monica stopped shooting and gestured to us to follow her. We ran after her with guards starting to follow. We ran past the lift and up the stairs, hoping to get closer to the above world. We reached the door that looked like the exit of the castle. We bashed out and ran towards the gates. The two guards blocked our way with their spears. John and I killed them with ease and we ran out. We ran around looking for the lift to the above world but we couldn't remember the exact place. I thought about what the panther had said before we went in the tunnel about many going in but none coming out. I realized that this was too easy for anyone to go back out. An extremely loud screech was heard through the streets of the Netherlands. I looked back and saw the most vicious looking monster staring back at me.

It was a dragon-like monster with a huge tail filled with spikes. It had a head like a dragon and its mouth was filled with the sharpest rows of teeth I have ever seen. It had long wings spread out making a bridge over the road. Its eyes were fixed on me and it ran its forked tongue over its lips like it was deciding how I would taste. It made the orange cat monster look like a playful kitty. The others were far behind and if they try to run towards me, this monster would get there first. There was no way I was going to fight this thing alone. "It's the Dramkon, one of the most powerful monsters in history." I heard Monica shouting somewhere behind me. Great, now I know why no Protector leaves this place.

Just as its legs pushed off the ground making an earthquake, the place became freezing cold. The monster stopped and a look of fright came across its hideous dragon face. I shivered and glanced at the others. They were cuddling themselves. A strange look came over the monsters face. A weird sound was heard, and it was growing louder and louder. The monster suddenly took off and flew away into the darkness. I rubbed my eyes. There was something in there. Suddenly, a whole lot of sand came rushing towards us and I heard Lara screaming "Sandstorm!" It hit us with force and blew us away around 10 feet away from where we confronted the Dramkon. Then as suddenly at it came, it disappeared. Everyone in that underground street looked stunned! "Come on, now's our chance!" I heard Monica shout. I followed them towards the lift and got inside. "Ok, what happened?" I asked a little nervously. "I don't know! There was something or someone that made that monster leave us alone, whatever it was, it was much more powerful than the Dramkon." Monica replied looking a bit worried. I looked over at John; he looked as if he was thinking hard. There was something they weren't telling me. The lift opened and we saw darkness once again and the familiar opening of the tunnel. The light was bright and I grew happier as I walked closer and closer to it. We got through the tunnel and enjoyed the sunshine. "Man, I thought I would never see this ever again!" John exclaimed. "What happened inside?" Monica asked. We told her the entire story. She stared at the ground thinking hard. I wasn't feeling that excited also, there was something bugging me. "Remember what that panther said to us, many have gone in, but none have come out. I think we got out way too easily." I stated. "Yea I agree, I wonder what made that monster go away like that. And the sandstorm, how can that happen?" Lara agreed. Monica glanced at John who nodded in return. "Mark and Lara, there is something you both need to know. Do you know what ruled this world, before Nature and Olimusus started to rule?" Monica asked. We shook our heads. "Well, before there was Nature, the above world was full of sand and ice. It was the age of the Uralieus and the Elder Lord was ruling all of it." Monica explained. There was a gush of cold air surrounding us as she said it. She looked towards the sky looking worried. We started to walk towards the hill where the Shield was being hid. "Nature and Juaulus were friends and they together defeated the Elder Lord and trapped him in the core of the earth, where he is in eternal pain." John continued. I let it all sink in. I suddenly knew what they were worrying about. The sandstorm, who else could have made that appear out of nowhere? "Is he like growing powerful or something?" I asked. The look on Monica's face gave the answer. Lara was also looking worried. I didn't move. The truth was finally hitting me. The Elder Lord has risen, somehow, and he was getting stronger.

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