Josh 2

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Start a new band? What? Tyler couldn't be serious! Then again, Josh should've seen it coming. Music was all Tyler had, so why, after all this work, would he abandon it?

Still, Josh couldn't help but feel upset. He felt almost...betrayed. He knew he had no right to feel that way, seeing as he was the one who called it quits, but it just felt wrong!

Josh needed some fresh air. Grabbing a light jacket, he left his apartment and headed towards the local park. Children ran around on the playground, dogs were catching frisbees and chasing their owners, moms were gossiping and Josh was...well, Josh was just sitting at a bench, watching the scene in front of him play out.

Everyone looked so content. Everything was going fine. Emphasis on the was.

"Hey! Aren't you Josh?" Josh turned towards the voice, hoping it wasn't a fan. To his surprise, it was Debby.

"Debby?" Josh asked. She nodded. "What are you doing here?"

"A lot more than you, I can say." She motioned at her clothes which Josh noticed to be athletic. "I'm jogging."

Josh nodded. "Well, I'm sitting."

"I can see that." There was a moment of silence, broken by Debby. "Well, how are ya?"

"I'm good. I'm excellent. I'm superior, to be honest," Josh mentally slapped himself for talking so much.

"Superior to what?" Debby giggled.

Josh awkwardly smiled and looked towards the playground. "
Not you. Heh...I'm great. And you?"

"I'm great, too," she responded with a smile. Josh nodded. "Well, I'm gonna keep jogging. Wanna hang out later?"

For some strange reason, Josh actually said yes. Debby smiled and pulled out her phone. "Give me your number and I'll give you mine." They exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes, Josh watching Debby jog away.

Nobody had entered Josh's life since he left the band, they've only left. This was something Josh wasn't prepared to handle, but it was happening.

Debby was barging in.

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