Josh 5

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Josh felt his phone ringing. He knew who it was, but he knew he wasn't going to answer. He looked at his phone. He slid his finger on the END CALL button and stuffed his cell back into his pocket.

I'm sorry, he thought to himself.


Josh knew that there was no way he could've spoken to Tyler. He didn't even want to speak to Jenna. He regretted answering. Now he was stuck having to face them both in less than a week. What was he supposed to say or do?

He loves Tyler. He really does. But he can't face him. Especially not now that he's...dying.

It was terrible to think about. Tyler was dying. Luckily, it wasn't by his own hands, but nonetheless, he was dying. Tyler Joseph, Josh's best friend, was going to die too soon.

And where was Josh? Sitting in his apartment, crying. Crying long rivers of tears Tyler would never know about.


He wasn't going to stay here.

He was going to see his best fucking friend.



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