Letter 15

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Dear Joshy,

I got a pen and a pencil, so you know what that means: Letter!

So, I know you don't like reading my letters, but I loovveee writing them!

And I loovveee you.

(No homo, though)

Isn't it crazy that we came so far and you fucked us over?


I guess you don't remember that, do ya?

I worked my ass off for us!

I fucking did!

You worked your ass off!


Why did you think this was a fucking good idea!?

I'm fucking dying, Josh.

I'm literally fucking dying!

Jenna doesn't know!

Zack and Madison don't know!

My parents don't know!

But I'm fucking telling you!

I'm sick, Joshua.

Not sick as in cool.

I'm fucking sick!

And you?

You don't even check up on me!

Fuck you!

Fuck you.

From Tyler.

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