Josh 11

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Josh had bought a twenty|one|pilots pin at the music store across the street. He was dressed in black. He had dyed his hair red, too. He attached the pin to his dress shirt. He was in the parking lot of the funeral home. Everyone was inside, but Josh felt out of place. He didn't belong in there. It felt weird. He felt unwanted.

He leaned on his car, thinking about the last song he heard Tyler sing: Kitchen Sink. It was at their last concert. Tyler had sung, "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Don't leave me alone!" and had broken down after, not being able to finish the song. He knelt down and cried. Josh had walked over to him, giving him a hug and helping him up. After getting some water, they had continued the concert, but Tyler had remained broken. 

Josh watched as everyone left the building to go bury Tyler. Josh wanted to go, but his legs wouldn't move. Jenna didn't come and get him this time. Neither did Madison. Nor Zach. Nor Jay. Nor Tyler's parents. Nor Josh's parents. Nobody. Josh was alone. Just like Tyler. Alone. Just as he deserved. Alone. 

Josh took a deep breath and headed towards the burial. 


Everyone had left. Josh was alone, staring at the tomb with Tyler's name and life span etched into the rock. Josh knelt down. 

With a shaky voice and tears pouring out, he sang what he had practiced all night:

"There's an infestation in my mind's imagination,

I hope they choke on smoke 'cause I'm smoking them out the basement,

This is not rap, this is not hip hop,

Just another attempt to make the voices stop,

Rapping to prove nothing, just writing to say something,

'Cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to say nothing,

This doesn't mean I lost my dream,

It's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean. "

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