Josh 6

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Josh threw the box of letters, along with his suitcase, into his car. He knew how to get to the hospital Tyler was at. Jenna had e-mailed him the name and address, but he knew the location before even looking at the address.

He quickly turned the car on and began heading out. It was a 35 hour drive, but Josh was willing to do it. He had already checked online for plane tickets closer to today, but there were none. He canceled his tickets for the flight he initially booked and began making the long journey.

4 hours in...

Josh stopped at a Taco Bell for dinner. He got three Supreme Tacos, two Chalupas, and a quesadilla for the ride. He was used to eating cold tacos by now. He stopped at the gas station next to the Taco Bell and filled up his tank, grabbing a coffee before continuing.

6 hours in...

Josh knew he would need a place to sleep eventually. He pulled up into a random inn with a name he had never heard of. It was midnight, and although he could keep driving, he had decided it was best to take a break.

He booked a room for one night. After a quick shower, he grabbed a random letter from the box. He read it, and realized it was from...Jenna?

Dear Josh,

I'm writing this for Tyler. He really wants to write, but he doesn't feel too good.

He says he misses you. A lot.

He also says he can't wait to see you. (I told him that you were officially coming.)

He is really pumped. He said to make sure you bring Chalupas and tall boys. He wants Green Tea.

I, myself, am extremely glad you are coming. Tyler never got closure. He really just needs a proper goodbye. Then you should be fine. If you had seen him, you would've never left.

I'll tell you more in person. I'll see you in two weeks.


Josh couldn't believe it. Tyler couldn't even write letters! It was a good thing he left earlier. As terrible as it is to say, there is no telling how much time Tyler has left. Hopefully the doctors have discovered what he has. Josh decides that maybe they did, and if they did, Tyler may have a fighting chance.

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