1. The only way is up

43 13 11

Music video for The only way is up
Along with Nikki's outfit up top


Flash forward

"Ooh hold on my phone's ringing," I said as I back tracked into her room to fetch it.


"Nicole, where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's house. What's up?"

"I think you should sit down for this. I need to tell you something."

"Uh yeah sure," I said nervously as I perched on the edge of her bed

"Go on I'm listening"

"There's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out and say it....."


I opened my cupboard door gingerly so as not to startle any possibly breeding insects and/or cockroaches(yes cockroaches get their very own special category), doom in hand(odorless of course-I'm not insane).

Now before you do think I'm insane I'd just like to say that I'm surely not the only one who lives off of a combination of 5 different outfits that are usually strewn over my handy desk chair which is parked in the center of my room more often than at my actual desk.

So with that said, actually opening my closet was like finding a book on the ancient history of magic, especially dusty and the wrong kind of surprising...

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I was thanking the heavens and the hell? hells? Is it a multiple kinda situation? Hmmm. ANYWAY.
The reason I was counting my blessings in attempt to get God on my good side because one assault by a cockroach that fell on me and tried to kill me was more than enough for a lifetime and I was not about to let that happen again, I was on alert.

Okay so maybe I didn't need a broom and Doom and a dust mask but it doesn't hurt to be cautious while looking for an outing appropriate outfit. Speaking of outing appropriate, black. What a colour, damn. Love me some black clothes.

I see you judging me, can't a girl love rainbow Pegacorns and black everything else? I'm an angel dressed in a demons clothes, bet that would confuse the hells.

Now I know I need to cut back on those Thai sweet chilli Lays chips but they're just so good and I just can't so that eliminated the possibility of crop tops long ago unless of course I were to wear a cute high waisted skirt, black of course.
I was nowhere near fat although sometimes I liked to think that I was and take a bash at my insecurities, the usual yannahmean.

I yanked out a thin, long sleeve, black top with buttons half way down the back and my synthetic leather skater skirt and threw them both on the chair, chucking my strawberry fragranced hair over my shoulder while bending down to grab my combat boots and a pair of socks. There that should do it.

*The next morning*

My alarm didn't ring.

Contrary to popular belief if a phone is fully charged when you fall asleep doesn't mean it won't still die during the course of the night so here I was with 15 minutes for my phone to charge, to shower and change and have a go at my excessive thicket of black hair. Lovely.

Fortunately for me I had decided to wash and straighten my hair the day before so I just had to shower and neaten up the resultant frizz thereafter, unfortunately for me it was raining, no, pouring and freezing cold.

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