8.1. Addicted

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Addicted- Vigiland & Ted Nights ft. Alexander Tidebrink
And a picture of Ryder(age 18) played by Aramis Knight up top

Note all characters should be imagined around the age of 17/ 18 and the actors are just there to provide an idea for you.


Part 1 of Nikki's wild night
I don't remember this day very clearly but I know how it began. I was dressed in my signature black skirt with knee high stockings, boots, a black waist coat that plunged and so, for decency's sake, a lace bandeau over my chest. I was headed for gateway to meet a few friends but I wasn't sure of who at that point, all I knew was that Maria was going to be there and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It was for this reason that I sent a message to Ryder begging him to tell me when he arrived so I'd be able to have one good friend with me in case of any trouble. Eventually however I had to awkwardly text Maria who said come to Pianos where I met an apologetic Ryder who sat at a cream coloured table along with Aj, Ana and Maria.
I took a seat across from Aj and between Maria , and Ryder, who was seated at the head of the table.

"Nik Nakkksssss, I just got here..uh sorry 'bout that. You look hot in those stocking thingies." Ryder said, rubbing the back of his neck

"Hey Ry," I laughed before saying, "thanks for that"

Ryder was always very straightforward about his opinions and I suspected that he didn't have a brain to mouth filter(and still doesn't). He never really stopped trying to get me to hook up with him despite my constant "no's" and, well, he couldn't help it he was just a natural flirt.

Aj ordered me a cocktail and I settled in a little more but the tension between Maria and I did not cease to exist.

"You know what else would be hot?" Ryder asked with a smirk, "a cat fight," he finished off, his smirk evolving into a Cheshire grin.

"Hey Niks, wanna swap with me?" Aj offered

"With pleasure," I breathed out in relief pausing to turn to Maria, "uhm no offense?" I said unsurely

"None taken," she laughed

Aj stood up as I did and told Ryder to scoot over which left Ryder across from me, Aj next to me at the corner of the table, Ana on my other side (drunk as per usual) and Maria way out of reach. I didn't question why Aj had chosen to sit next to me, instead I enjoyed my new vantage point. Sometimes I wander what would've or rather wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone to meet them that day...wishful thinking, I know.

Alcohol. It was only my second encounter and yet I felt reasonably comfortable but not enough to stop me from expressing my concerns to whoever would listen, Aj.

Aj flipped his caramel hair out of his eyes, craning his neck downwards to get a good look at me, his green/grey eyes swimming with delight.

Have I mentioned the skyscraper worthy height at which he stood? And there wasn't much of a difference when he was seated either, in fact, if I had stood up just then I would've barely been taller than his seated self.

"Aj I dunno about driving all this, I was quite the lightweight last time..."
I spoke hesitantly, tilting my chin up to greet him with my glistening chocolate orbs.

"Hey, hey don't worry about that, we took good care of you yeah?" He said as he comforted. I nodded looking down at my lap. "You'll be fine Niks, and plus, I like you when you're drunk," he said smoothly gripping my chin and reconnecting our eye contact. "Here, have some of my drink," he dropped my chin and held out his cold, glass bottle by the neck.

"Uh isn't that beer? I know for a fact that beer does not taste good," I said whilst peering at the golden liquid that filled the condesation-covered bottle up to where the top of the label, which wrapped tightly around the mid-base, reached.

"No silly," he chuckled, "it's just a cider, tastes good I promise" he said taking my hand and passing it over to me.

"Oh okay Aj I'll try a sip but just until my strawberry daiquiri gets here," I said frowning into the bottle through its narrow neck.

As I took a sip Ryder looked over in shock, "whoa, dude, nice work. Niks help me finish mine too?" He batted his admittedly voluminous eyelashes at me.

The bottle left my lips with a loud pop and everybody chuckled as I scrunched my nose up in distaste.
"Dammit Aj that does not taste good," I complained

"Try mine Niks, I need help finishing it, can't get drunk in case I have to babysit tonight." Ryder said handing his drink over to Aj who then placed it in front of me.

I pouted at them both but took a sip anyway. They liked the drunk me right?

The next thing I knew I was mixing more alcohol than I'd ever seen all at once. I downed ciders and shots and even my entire strawberry daiquiri and then took to licking the sugar off the rim except I was convinced that it was salt.

"No Nikki it's sugar!"
And then I threw a sugar packet right at Ana and then at Ryder as we all laughed loudly and wholeheartedly.

But then everything changed...

So...that just happened and that's only the beginning of her crazy night. Any thoughts?
Was Nikki to blame or do you think it was Ryder and Aj who did the most damage?
Who do you hate the most so far?


Until you were goneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang