I got robbed

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Hey guys listen...so for those of you reading this, something bad went down just over a week ago. I live in a block of flats and we got robbed. The perps came in through the balcony door at the back of the flat which was left open(we're on the 4th floor). So basically it was a chain robbery since besides us there were 3 follow up break ins also through the balcony doors. My laptop, old phone, brand new (5 day old) phone, adidas shoes and diamond earrings got taken from my room as well as my mum's phone from her bedside table. Needless to say that wasn't the best way to ring in the new year and I've been feeling kinda down since then especially because our police department is basically useless and when my dad called the constable to get feedback the other day the guy didn't even know they had the fingerprints at the station let alone have checked for them in the database. To be honest I can wear my other shoes and the earrings were too much of a responsibility which I never really used as pretty as they were and the laptop I'll live without, even the new phone, but if I could have just one thing back it would be my old phone because of all the memories on there that any rogue wouldn't think twice about before deleting. All I want is to have my memories back. I know this problem seems like it's nothing to some people but towards the end of the book you'll understand why losing that old phone means so much to me.

If you've read this far I'm really grateful but for those of you who won't here's a summary:

I got robbed and I haven't had the best start to 2017 so please forgive me for not posting chapter 10 on time. Give me a little while and I'll be back on track but for the wait I sincerely apologize.


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