10. 1..Maceh..2..Maceh..3..Macerena!

11 5 2

"Adam's" eyes up top(except a slightly brighter green)
Turns out telling someone about my messed up childhood and having them agree felt good. Although, Jase and I didn't talk for long before he decided to remove himself from the equation by not responding. It was then that I realised something significant about his character. He was a good guy but he had his days, days during which he would be closed off to everyone. Some would call it peculiar or moody or strange but I understood it and thus never really took offense. That however didn't mean that I was daft enough to not get the message that we were done talking for a while.

In the midst of all the drama school had become hard to handle. Somehow Reagan had found out about Ryder and as a result everyone else did too and had the story all twisted as was expected. My life had definitely taken the turn from seemingly normal to crazy and all in the span of a month. For the next few weeks I limited my exposure to the outside world and stuck to going from home to school only. The end of February approached but before it came to a close, two very significant things happened, one of which was yet another bad mistake and the other a beautiful memory in the making.

But, first things first: the Backstory

After a few weeks Reagan had calmed down and let me explain why I didn't tell her- I didn't want her to get hurt.
She didn't tell me how she found out and who told her but we were good considering everything and so I didn't complain. Things at school were more bearable after that but I could see they way they were judging me from a mile away. Girls being girls, however, we decided to play nice and it came in handy as the date our grade 10 project was due to commence came looming. Yes, it's as nerve wracking as I'm making it seem. We had to have ballroom dance lessons with our brother school's grade 11s. Now if you didn't know, I'm a pupil at this prestigious all-girls school. Fun right? Yeah, I thought so too. But sarcasm aside, the school has top notch teachers, classrooms and facilities, for the most part. I really am privileged to have the honor of attending but the moment a whimsical asshole walked in, dressed in black from head to toe, and lined us girls up on one side of the school hall and the boys on the other, I was sure that I'd rather be anywhere else. See he had it in his head that these teenage boys were actually going to approach us and actually vocalize a request for us to dance with them. He was a damn fool. Now, if Ryder had showed up as he'd foreshadowed, I'd actually have a friend to dance with and wouldn't have to cower away or awkwardly stand as we were "auctioned" off for free by our teachers.

Oh right, I haven't told you about that yet have I? Well, you see, Ryder had been trying to get in my pants for a while and we had a phase wherein we explored the idea of an "us". It was brief and ended in him saying he played me but we're still friends. I let him say it because that's true in his mind but to me, it was more of a mutual play. While Ive always had chemistry with Ryder, I don't have proper feelings for him and I'm 200% sure that he's just obsessed with hooking up with me, the challenge of it all. That's probably why we've remained friends so long, nothing he does with regard to his fuckboy ways ever manages to hurt me, he's a good friend and that's about it. So anyways, during that particular week, when he randomly called me, he had brought up the dance lessons but was under the impression that there would also be a dance(there wasn't) and he'd basically hinted at partnering up with me which I'd obviously conceded to, as friends. He didn't show since he had prior engagements- provincial soccer practice, every Thursday. Okay so it was more of a conclusive statement than a foreshadowing but whatever, back to the dance lessons. The second lesson was actually bearable once we'd gotten past the initial awkwardness of the first Thursday. For me, it was actually fun, seeing that I found myself a "partner". I suppose I should elaborate...

Adam Simmers. He and I got partnered up on accident in the second lesson, 2 songs in. We were learning the waltz that day and he'd just danced with Katey who was to my right. Somehow we ended up together and we clicked right away, we had both agreed that we worked well together and when he suggested we stay together for the rest of the lesson, I couldn't help but agree. Chemistry is a weird and wonderful thing, it just springs up on you unexpectedly and is usually well received, usually. I certainly had no problem with making a new friend and seeing where things would go but Katey certainly did.

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