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Time skip. (1 month for every)

It was June now, the baby bump could be seen but wasn't noticed by Rin. He only thought he was becoming fatter now because of his addiction for junk food. Only Yukio and Mephisto knew the true cause of it.

He was definitely pregnant.

His mood swings and strange cravings proved so. They had sex a handful of times so there was no doubt it. The only problem was how he'd take the news when Yukio would tell him he was pregnant with his baby...Of course it wouldn't go well. The question was, how.

"Nii-san." Yukio called out, shutting his small book he held in his hand, "You can't be asleep during class."

"Give me a break," He whined, leaning back on his chair a little too far back. He fell down causing the class to erupt in giggles.

Shiemi still hadn't come to cram for a long time, two months since she found out a thing had been going on with the Okamura brothers. It hadn't been the same and it didn't go unnoticed.

Yukio sighed and helped his elder brother up, "Be careful." The baby and him could've gotten hurt and that was the last thing he wanted to happen, "Summer break comes in a couple of weeks so just bear with it."

Rin moaned and lazily set his head on the table, "whatever."

That incident set aside, the day was over before you knew it and the brothers were headed home. Yukio had to do something after escorting his Nii-san home, saying he needed to get herbs. It was fairly obvious where he was headed.

"Ohayo." Shiemi bowed, greeting the customer. She flinched when she saw it was Yukio. "W-what brings you here today?"

"I need to talk to you." Yukio trailed, "About that day."

"What do you mean?" She forced a smile, swallowing her tears and stared at the ground. She didn't dare look into his eyes, considering how depressed and broken-hearted she already was. The last thing she wanted was to face Yukio, being a coward, she usually didn't confront her fears. But she wanted to get stronger.

"I like my brother..."

"It's nothing strange to like your own brother." She nervously laughed.

"I know. I like him more than normal...You've liked me for a long time now and I apologize but I cannot return your feelings. My brother needs me. You're a strong girl. I believe you are. You can get through this, I know you can. I hate being the bad guy..but you deserve someone much more better. Me and my brother love each other dearly and you'll find someone else that loves you, too." He stopped when he saw tears forming in her eyes and pulled her into a hug, "It's okay to cry."

Shiemi pulled away, wiping her tears, "It's okay..Like I said, I support you two. And I won't be a coward anymore" She finally looked up to Yukio and fixed his collar, "Rin is probably waiting for you at home..So you better go." She daringly kissed his cheek and smiled, finally feeling like a thousand pounds had been lifted off her chest. Yeah, she liked Yukio and it was painful seeing him with someone else but at least she still could be by his side and support him. Seeing him happy made her happy even when it tore her apart in the inside. Still, she felt happy for him. Her feelings weren't gone unknown by him, though she was shot down. He actually considered them. That was all that mattered now.

Yukio smiled a little and hugged her one more time before heading out, "Have a good day."

Shieme nodded in response and sighed when he was out of range, "Well, at least he's happy."

Her mother peered over at her from the garden and gave her a little smile, seeing how strong she'd grown already. Just in this short amount of time. It truly made her happy. Shieme didn't notice her mother and got back to her work.

Meanwhile Yukio paced around in the kitchen, imagining scenarios where he told his brother about this pregnancy thing.

"Geez Yukio you've been pacing around for a long time." Rin said, "What are you thinking about?"

Yukio walked up to Rin and grabbed his shoulders, "Tomorrow is month three."


"I'll tell you then."

"Tell me what?"

"Wait for it tomorrow."

Rin gave him a look, confused as hell. What the hell did his brother mean? He was so lost. "Why not tell me now?"

"Tomorrow is month three. I'll tell you then."

Yukio looked a bit panicked so Rin didn't argue with him, "Uh okay..I look forward to it?"

He nodded his head and paced to the bathroom, leaving a very, very irritated and confused Rin.


It was a Saturday to Rin's relief. He got to sleep in a few hours but his brother had to wake him up from his...weirdly weird dream where he was raising dinosaurs and gave birth to Taco's while Yukio licked his ass. He was actually thankful he'd been awoken.

"What." He groaned, rubbing his eyes, "It's Saturday, let me sleep.." He shifted so he was sleeping in the sheets again.

"Nii-san, You have a doctor's appointment in 10 minutes."

"Since when do I get checkups."

"It's the thing I said I'd tell you tomorrow."

"Tell me later."

"Nii-san." Yukio sighed, "I guess I have no choice." Foot steps faded away and Rin thought of this as a win until cold water was dumped on him, instantly waking him up

"YOU BITCH," He yelled, shivering from the cold.

"I said hurry up."

Rin grumbled and got up, he did deserve a punishment for being lazy but this was too much. Well, Yukio was Yukio. He did things his own way.

"Why are we even here?"

Yukio pet Rin's head and nodded at the doctor. "You'll see."

The light shut and he was told to show his belly and lower his pants a bit. Yukio assured them that everything would be alright. Later, a cold substance covered to his stomach and this machine thing was too. It looked like a big dildo .

The screen next to him showed something very, very surprising.

"What the fuck..."


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