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"This smells weird." Rin whined, pushing the bowl full of the ingredients needed for that one baby, away. "It looks like shit. literally. You expect me to eat it?"

Yukio tried to keep his calm and sighed, pushing the bowl back, "Come on, Nii-san. This will help you with your stomach problems. I will make you eat it. Just have a taste." He took the spoon and put it on his own tongue. It was bitter but the herb made it taste like sour candy. Rin loved sour candy. "It tastes like sour candy. here." he shoved the spoon in his mouth, making him grimace.

"You fucking- oh this tastes good."

"See. Don't judge a book by it's cover."

"This is food."

"Same applies to that matter."

Rin slowly took another lick and smiled, "Mmm you should freeze this. Having this served as a popsicle sounds better."

An inappropriate thought flashed through the younger one's head for a second but he brushed it off. Serving it as a Popsicle wasn't such a bad idea.

"You should make more of these." he continued, taking another lick out of it. "Yup I'd prefer it frozen."

Yukio nodded and took the bowl, walking to the kitchen, doing as Rin had told him. It wasn't hard. Put a plastic wrap around the brown looking substance. The shape was like a penis out of pure evil, and it was set somewhere away from the other frozen materials so it didn't deform. The substance wasn't too liquidy so it wasn't that hard to get it right. The shape wasn't perfect though. The balls couldn't be added since it needed a flat place to be rested on. Balls weren't flat unless it's Grandpa balls.

He hadn't seen Kuro for a while though, where did that cat go?

A thump was heard on the rooftop, perking his interest somewhere else. Did one of those demons go loose again or was it was Rin? Well, he was about to find out.

He halted his activities and shut the freezer door, making his way to the rooftop. He was surprised to see none of the two were there. It was Kuro. That lil' peace of shit he was thinking about before. That cat was in a...weird position. His dick was out

"Uhm.." he started awkwardly, snapping the cat out of its dazed moment. Was it just him or did Kuro just attempt on masturbating?

Said cat hissed in response and jumped off the roof, still with its dick flopping around. It looked painful hitting down when he landed whenever he took a jump which was several times now. Owch. It could've been bleeding for all he knew.

Setting the incident aside, Yukio made his way inside and to Rin's room just to check up him.

"Ah, hey. Are they done?"

Yukio took a moment to process what he meant. "Oh, uh. No, not yet. They take some time to freeze. Anyways, I just saw something...very disturbing."

Rin took an interest on what he had to say, "what did you see?"

Yukio took a seat beside him and lifted his glasses up, "Kuro. I think he attempted masturbation."

The instant Yukio said that, Rin burst out in laughter, rolling over. His sides hurt from that. But seriously. Kuro. Attempting masturbation. A cat. It was just too much for him to handle he ended up crying. Though not seeing it for himself, having Yukio saying it was just as hilarious.

It took a moment for him to calm down from his gigidy self but then he started puking all of a sudden.

It was yellowish brown and the bubbles in them popped. It wasn't his stomach lining, thank goodness, but the curry he had eaten before. The whole floor was covered with it.

Yukio rubbed his back and allowed him to lean on his shoulder. His shoes had been stained but that wasn't what mattered. He looked up to Rin and was about to smile when he saw blood dripping from his mouth.

"Ew this tastes bad." Rin hissed, unknowing of the blood that had been leaking out his mouth. Barf and blood wasn't really a good combination.

The younger brother wiped his elder brothers mouth with a handkerchief laying around somewhere and pretended he didn't see the blood. He already knew the cause of it, there wasn't much time. He feared that the babies were being broken down. He had no time to waste now. "I'll wash you up and clean this later. Come on." Yukio rubbed his back comfortingly and lead him to the bathroom to clean him up.

Luckily his vision was still hazy so he was unable to see him own blood that he coughed up.

There really wasn't much time...And demon Rin said he had all the time in the world. Shit, this was getting harder to deal with by the second. What was going to happen of he was too late? Would both of his loved ones die, Rin and his babies. He did not want that. With all his power, he was going to make a change no matter what it cost. An eye, an arm, his soul, anything for his loved ones.

A few hours had passed since that incident. It was normal though, considering his pregnancy and all. The dick popsicle had frozen and it was time to feast.

He walked to the kitchen and looked into the freezer. The sight was simply horrid.

What happened here?

Where was it?

Was it just this?

This was horrible!

No fucking way...

How did this happen..

His French vanilla ice cream he absolutely loved and was saving up was gone...well he could buy another one. That kitchen demon could've eaten it. Moving on.

He took the dick popsicle out of the freezer and made his way to the room.

"Rin, here."

Rin grinned but stopped once he saw that shape, "are you shitting me? You bastard."

Yukio laughed sheepishly and shoved it in his mouth, "Now, have a good taste."

"Christ. Don't go hard on me."

"But I already am."



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