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Yukio's Journal~

Day 2

Rin hasn't suspected anything yet. After I got laid the hundredth time when he finished the popsicle, I met with Shiemi to ask how she was. Unfortunately, Ammaimon was keeping guard so I couldn't go in-depth with the info. She was still dizzy and light-headed so I decided to come back later.

Rin wasn't doing so great. The demon side of him hadn't popped out in a while...Were the babies really okay? It worried me non-stop. I didn't know how to call for him. Mmmm...Maybe the next time he appears...I'll ask? As stupid as it sounded, it was the best I could come up with.

Rin was bugging me for more of the popsicle but I told him to wait a while, a while which may be a week or so. But there wasn't enough time. At least he slowly improved throughout the day. It was a relief.

It's night now and Rin is sleeping. He stirred though. Maybe the babies were moving? Hmm...I'd check in the morning, to see if they kicked. He would probably worry if he didn't feel them kicking to I had to act fast. Months were going by really fast.

I can't sleep because of the whole worry. I hadn't been sleeping well for the past few days. I worried that something could've happen in his sleep and I wouldn't be able to help. He didn't reach out when need for help. Well, Nii-san will be Nii-san.

Now that you mention 'Nii-san', he told me to call him Rin or else our kids would be confused. Haha, Twincest. Would our babies be like us? Maybe marry each other- oh I hadn't proposed to him...But was it allowed here? I'd have to ask Mephisto tomorrow. Hmm I'll start calling him Rinny. Let's see how he'd handle it. Ah, I feel sleepy and probably won't be able to write in this journal. I love Rin so much I can't..


Yukio dozed off with his face in his journal. It was already five AM. Morning was already here and both of them were sound asleep. The younger had a few hours, maybe three, to sleep until Rin woke up and wandered the dorm. The elder grew a habit of that. He'd mostly sit on the roof and watch the sun.

Kuro had his ballsack scratched which made it painful to walk, but he managed. As a demon kitty, he healed fairly quick. He couldn't find a mate when he was in heat so he masturbated to his satisfaction, sometimes humping a random persons leg until ejaculation. It was...weird. And It would happen EVERY YEAR. Yeah, he was pretty much doomed.

Morning came in seconds, as seen by Yukio. His alarm went off at 8, waking him up. Rin was a heavy sleeper, it didn't bother him a bit. Bags could be seen under the Youngers eyes. He was still very tired but he had to get up.

Putting the journal in his usual safe place, he got up and did his business. Thank god he had a day off or he'd be getting NO sleep. Sunday was a nice day. But Monday was a fuckheaded asshole who ruined everything. Monday was hated deeply by both of the brothers.

Summer vacation was over already; fall approaching. The warm summer breeze started turning colder. Autumn's breeze wasn't all that bad but Rin prefered the warmth. The cold started to annoy him. He could use his flames- no he wasn't allowed. He wasn't allowed to exercise which made him feel like a whale that could roll away.

The sunlight which shone brightly from his window woke him up. Upon his first few blinks, a painful wave shook through his body, making him throw up all over. Important papers, The sheets and himself were stained with the liquid.

"Yukiiii." He moaned weakly, hiccuping a few seconds later. He wiped a tear away and looked down at his shirt. It was completely dirty. Seriously ew. Where the hell was his knight.

Said Knight entered the room upon his maiden's plea and scooped his princess up once he examined the situation, "Let's get you cleaned up."

Rin nodded his head and groaned, hiding his face in Yukio's chest. He felt so icky and wanted to be cleaned. His stomach roared for some reason. It hurt so much.

Yukio dashed to the bathroom, stripping Rin and himself. Carrying him got him dirty too, So that was the excuse. Plus he'd be washing him since he was too weak to do it on his own. Oh yeah, so many advantages so little time.

"Agh stop, I'm not in the mood." Rin whined once Yukio purposely brushed his hand across his weenie, "Seriously. I might throw up again."

Yukio sighed and followed his masters directions like a good boy. There wasn't a choice. His sexual desires needed to be placed back for some time. Rinny's health was on the line here

After the bath, the two decided to head out for a walk. Just to cool down and talk.

"We haven't talked about the names yet." Yukio brought up suddenly, rubbing his hands, which was wrapped around Rin. He drew closer to his lover, you know, just to keep him warm since it was a bit windy.

"I thought you never were gonna ask." Rin playfully  scoffed, looking away.

"Sorry, Rinny-chan."

Rin snapped his head to Yukio and narrowed his eyes, "Watcha call me?"

"Rinny-chan~" Yukio repeated swaying his arms. "Is there something wrong Rinny-chan~?"

Rin huffed. "That's totally uncute."

Yukio raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What's cuter then?"

"Rin Rin." Rin suggested, pointing his finger towards Yukio. "Got that?"

Yukio chuckled and shook his head, "sorry. I'm naming you Rinny-chan."

"Hey, I'm not a pet!" The elder argued, lightly punching him.

Yukio shrugged with a smirk, "Oh reaaaaallllyyy~?"

Rin was getting furious at his smirk but his anger resided when he saw Shiemi in a distance. "Ah, that's Shiemi. I haven't seen her since I stopped taking those lessons. Let's go say hi!"

Yukio sweat-dropped, but he really didn't have a choice. "aha...okay...sure."

Rin ran with that answer hollering her name, "SHIEMI-SAN~!" he stopped when he saw Ammaimon by her side.

Shiemi caught a glance of Rin and Yukio and waved hello, making her way towards them with her own lover, "Ah Rin, It's been so long!" She cheered, hugging the stiff fellow.

"Shiemi-san, is Ammaimon threatening your family? Why're you following him."

Ammaimon kept his stiff expression and responded with a flat voice, "How rude. Can't a husband go for a walk with his wife?"

Rin looked at Shiemi with a skeptical look and to his shock, she responded with a blush. "Oh, Candy. We're not even married yet," She giggled shyly.

Rin glared at him and but didn't let his guard down. Who knew if he had her hypnotised or something. It wouldn't be good.

"Ah, How's your condition. Is my blo- uh herb having any effect on you?" Ammaimon would lose his shit if he found out she was lending her blood.


Yukio looked at her and made a hushing face, catching Ammaimon and Rin's attention.

"Are you keeping a secret?"

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