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Tomorrow had come and the secrets or whatever personal things they never told each other were out. There were no boundaries between them anymore, at least that's what Rin thought. Yukio still had kept something very important from him. Something which could not be told. It was hard not telling, but it was for the best.

Now only one more pint was left. With Amaimon knowing, maybe it wouldn't be so hard..? Who knew. He still seemed so against it. He did love Shiemi dearly after all, Believe it or not. It's your decision.

Rin was asleep, thankfully. He'd been pestering Yukio for more secrets. It was annoying really but the younger sibling somehow put up with it. Now, it was time to get the last pint of blood. Maybe then their children would start kicking again. He still wasn't too sure if the first one was moving or not...Were they really alive?

Quietly, he exited the room and out the dorms, to Shieme's (I can't spell her name correctly, okay?) house. She was already out to a hotel with Amaimon. Her house was readying to be wedding worthy, that's what her mom said.

"Hotel Deponzeehag. The hell?" Yukio looked at the note again, "Who the hell names a hotel 'Deponzeehag'?" He shrugged and walked to it anyways.

Shieme was seen in the dining room, blushing madly, probably at what Amaimon was suggesting. Something 'Intimate' maybe.

"B-but...After the marriage!" She protested.

"Awww...Please? Just one kiss. On the forehead!" Amaimon argued back.

"..On the forehead for now! b-but not anywhere else."

"I promise."

Amamimon kept his promised and kissed her on the forehead. It was a cute moment, anyone would melt at the cuteness.

Yukio walked over and coughed, gaining their attention.

"Ah! Yukio-san!" Shiemi got up and gave him a little hug, "Why are you here?"

He returned the gesture and smiled, "Rin is thankfully getting a bit better. I just need one more pint. Are you two...busy?"

Amaimon growled at him and held Shieme close by her waist, " Yes we are. Go away."

Shiemi looked up at Amaimon and pouted, "We talked about this. This is the last time, Candy. No more after this one." He stretched his cheek and giggled, "I love you for worrying."

A visible blush could be seen on his face. A slight smile plastered on his face but he pretended he wasn't affected. "...Fine."

Yukio almost laughed at his response. Shieme had total control over him apparently.

"We would have to go back to your place, the supplies are back there. You can join us too, Amaimon." He glanced over to the very pissed broccoli head and signaled them to follow him, "You two sign out while I check up on something real quick."

Shieme nodded as Yukio went outside to check his phone, there was a message from Rin saying, "Where r u?"

Yukio responded, "At a hotel. Meeting Shieme and Amaimon. Gonna head to her place, don't worry. Be back home soon."

He put his phone back just when he was greeted by the happy couple.


"There you go~!" Shieme cheered, a bit dizzy, "Now rin-chan will be feeling much better now!"

Amaimon sighed and held his wife from falling over, "This better be the last of it, four eyes."

"It is. Thank you so much."

Shieme fell in his arms and started seeing stuff, "Yaaaay! Tell me when he starts to feel better. Lets go home candy, I'm sleepy."

Both men nodded and head their separate ways.

"Rin?" Yukio called out, "Hey Rin, Where are you?"

It was still silent.

"Rinny? You're worrying me. Come out. I have a treat for you."

Still silent.

He started panicking. Did he get abducted somehow?

He ran into his room and bit his lip. He wasn't there either.

Just when he was about to have a panic attack, something glomped him from behind, tackling him to the floor.

"Don't let your guard down."

Yukio sighed and whacked his elder brothers head, "You scared me!"

"Well you worried me." He countered.

"I texted you where I was."

"That's why I was worried. I thought Amaimon was killing you or something."

"I am capable of taking care of myself, Nii-s- er Rin." He was still getting used to calling Rin by his name instead of Nii-san.

"Whatever. What's the treat you brought me though?!"

"I'll have to make it. Stay in here like a good boy while i prepare it."

Rin scowled at him, "I'm not your pet."

Yukio chuckled in response, heading out the door.

Mating seasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora