Ice cream

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Thirty minutes had passed and Rin was starting to lose his patience. The treat should've taken at least fifteen minutes, what the hell was Yukio doing in the kitchen? He rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on and sighed, getting up to check out the situation. He wasn't a very patient person, and Yukio knew that extremely well.

His bloated stomach somewhat restricted his movements, making him grasp the nearest table for support. Who knew being five and half months pregnant was this hard. His stomach was bulging out, people should've started suspecting things. BUUUT, if he kept on a baggy shirt, it was somewhat hard to tell.

"Yukioooooo!" He called out, walking down the halls to find the kitchen. It was right down the hall, to the left of the bathroom. a convenient place, really.

Some crashes were heard ahead, making the smaller male speed up, "Yukio wh-...what are you doing...?" The sight was certainly unexpected and questionable

"R-Rin!" he exclaimed, trying to get up, "It's not what you think! Kuro attacked me all of a sudden and he ripped my clothing a-and I tripped on a bowl and fell onto some cream!"

A skeptical looked raided Rin's face, "Just admit you were masturbating to hell knows what and give me my god damn treat before I fucking jump you." The menacing look gave the idea that the jumping was definitely not in a good way.

Trying to reason with a seriously pissed Rin would do no good, having him angry while pregnant was not really healthy. Yukio sighed, grabbing onto the counter to get up, and took the treat out of the freezer. "Here, enjoy."

A cheshire look covered his face as he received his treat, "Thanks Yukio! I love you!" With that said, he ran out of the room with a gleeful mood. Talk about bipolar.

Yukio made an attempt to clean up the mess, sighing. Having two demons lashing out at him from the 'heat' really was troublesome. But at least the kitchen spirit kept its cool. It was kind of getting creepy, though. He would keep making food and it started to pile up. Yukio didn't want to waste it so he 'gifted' it to Mephisto and other children on the streets who were probably starving, being orphans and all.

"I didn't masturbate, idiot brother." He grumbled under his breath, wiping the floor with a mop. If he left to change without cleaning the kitchen, Rin would probably go bat shit crazy and scold him. Pregnancy was troublesome.

It took exactly ten minutes for it to sparkle, without a single speck of dirt loitering around. Yukio sighed, walking to the room to relax a bit and to change his clothes. The first one wasn't an option, though, since he had to grade a ton of papers and study for the college entry test. (He skipped a few grades since he's a prodigy. Higher ups decided to challenge him with increased difficulty)

"Ah, Yukio! The babies are kicking!" Rin gleemed, full of enthusiasm.

"Really?" He perked with a small gasp, "Can I feel your stomach?"

"Of course!" The pregnant man chucked, placing Yukio's hand on his stomach, "Aw, They're kicking really hard." he giggled, "They must know you're the daddy."

A blush prodded his face. Him being a father... It was almost unthinkable but the thought of Rin bearing his children made him incredibly happy. They were twins like them, it really gave him a rush.

Yukio chuckled almost goofily and wrapped his arms around Rin's waist to bring him closer. Fast heart beats could be faintly heard as they moved around once more. He wanted to scream and show Rin off but it had to be kept a secret, unfortunately. If the higher ups were to find out....God no, he didn't want his children to be taken away.

"Ah, I'm so happy." Rin cooed, "Being with you and these bundle of joys excites me. To think I'd be starting a family with you..." a tear slipped, "I'm so happy, Yukio. I just love you so much." he sniffed and brought his lover closer, " I can't thank you enough."

Yukio melted from his touch. Honestly, Rin was far too cute for his own good, "I love you, Rinny. Thank you for carrying this miracle." he slipped up to face him and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Rin smiled breaking the kiss for a second to breathe, "Don't call me Rinny." and pulled him back in.

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