Chapter 14

394 14 30

October 24th, 2016

Dear Diary,

Halloween is coming up, diary! I am simply thrilled! I have never been trick - or - treating before, and Maddie said it was really, really fun. I am going to be Luna Lovegood and Maddie is going with me as Hermione.

Also, I just finished Order of the Phoenix  (I was simply devastated when Sirius died!) Maddie and I decided that we should have nicknames, too - just like Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Maddie is Feather, because her Animagus would probably be an owl, with the way she's always fluttering around with her large, curious eyes. And I am Moonbeam, because Maddie told me that my skin was just as pale. And my brand new friend, Eve, is Claw - because she is real smart, and would probably be in Ravenclaw.

Eve just moved here from England, and she has this really cool accent. Her hair is curly and blonde, and her eyes are green. She didn't actually know what Harry Potter was when she first came, but Maddie and I changed that quickly, Diary. You have no need to worry.

But Eve has another book series she loves called Percy Jackson, which she really loves. I think I shall read them next, diary. Anyways, Eve is going to be Annabeth Chase for Halloween - I don't know who she is, but I plan on finding out soon.

   All three of us are to have a sleepover at Eve's this Sunday, and then we'll go Trick - or - Treating  after school on Monday. I simply can't wait!

Terribly Overjoyed, 


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Guys, I can't thank you all enough! You guys have truly helped Phoenix evolve and layer into such an amazing character - a character that wouldn't exist without all of you lovely readers. 


I have a question for you rebels today: What are you going to be for Halloween?

I'm going as Annabeth from Percy Jackson, and my friend, eggyistheotp is going as Reyna. (Happy birthday, homie!!)

Yours in demigoddishness and all that,


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