Raindrops of Fear

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The rain pours down,
And my breath leaves my lips.
The cold droplets kiss my skin,
As I look up to the dark sky.

Thoughts enter my mind,
While everything turns black and white.
I hide in the shadows from you,
And you never seemed to notice.

I never let you see me,
Although I want you to hold me.
I want to kiss your soft lips with mine,
But I walk away when your near.

Fear of you not liking me.
Fear of you leaving me.
Fear of loving again.

Fear eats us up inside and kills us slowly.
Fear stops us doing things,
Like chains on our ankles.
Fear chokes us,
Makings us unable to speak.

I hear the thunder roll around above me,
But yet I stand in the street looking up.
My eyes closed,
And my breath visible as it leaves my lips and nose.

The rain softly kissing me,
And the puddles forming under the soles of my shoes.
The gentle chill of the wind not bothering me,
As I let the thoughts swim in my head.

My hands in my pocket keeping warm,
And my feet glued to the street.
Why couldn't a stay near you?
Why did I feel the need to leave?
Couldn't I just laugh like the others,
And say your funny like they did?

The thoughts continue to swim,
The rain still fell,
And I still stayed glued to the street,
Simply facing the sky.

Its becoming dark,
But no lights flow on the street.
I still stand,
Still think,
And let my body freeze from the wind.

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