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Justin's p.o.v

"You ready mate?" Scooter asks patting my back. It's my second show in London. I'm always scared of performing because I'm scared I'll fuck it up and I just want to do the best I can for my fans.

"Yeah let's go" I said.

Emma's p.o.v

I'm going back to America today. Thank göd.

Me, mum and dad are in the airport waiting for the plane. It's taking ages.

Justin kept ringing me last night. I really wanted to tell him it's fine we're okay, but I couldn't. I'm not gonna do that. I don't want him thinking he can say stuff like that to me again.  I know it's stupid. The whole argument is stupid, but he hurt me a lot. I'm gonna give it till I get home and messaging him. I really don't wanna lose him at all.

Justin's p.o.v

It's after the show. I'm back stage waiting for everyone. We're going back to America for a few weeks for a break.

"Come on Justin we're going" I get up walking out the building to the bus, witch was gonna take us to the airport.

About five minutes later we're there. It was a small airport. Not a lot of people here. I look around.  And I see a few girls walking up to me. I really wasn't in the mood for photos.

"Oh my göd Justin I love you and your music can I have a photos please" the girl with black hair asked.

"Sorry guys I can't Today" I replied being as nice as possible.

"Why? Your not doing anything" one of the other girls said

" i just can't okay now please leave me alone I need to get on this plane" I replied again being as nice as possible. Why do they have to be so rude.

"Your a horrible person!" The black haired one said, than they walked away.

RUDE as fuck.

I love my fans, they mean everything to me. But they have to understand I have a life too.

I run my hand through my hair and turn around. I look at all the people here.

"We've gotta wait an hour" scooter said walking up to me. I nod my head in response.
"I need a pee I'll be back" I said starting to walk.

"Do you want someone to walk with you?"scooter asks.
I just ignore him and keep walking.

I walk past a few people that noticed me but they never said anything. I found the toilet, I went in and did what I had to do. I wash my hands then walked back out.

Emma's p.o.v

I saw Justin walk in and out of the toilets.  He didn't see me. My whole stomach started to turn like I was gonna be sick.

"That's that Justin bieber person lily went to see isn't is Emma?" My dad asked.

"Yeah I think so can't really tell" I lied.

"Go see if it is peter and if so ask for a photo of him to send to lily" my mum asked my dad. My dads names peter.

" yes Emma your coming with me come on"  my dad said.  No. 

"I can't " I replied back.

"Yes you can now come on we don't have all day" my dad said waving his hands at him. I got up and walks behind my dad.

"Hi your Justin bieber right?" My dad asked him as he turns around.
Justin saw me. He looked me died in the eyes a smiled.

"Yes I am and you are?" Justin asked sweetly.

"I'm peter and this is Emma. Emma and a little girl named lily went to your concert the other day and I was wondering if I could get a photo of you to send to her?" My dad asked, it sounded kinda weird if you ask me.

Justin kept his eyes on me at all time. I felt my face going red.

"Just a photo of me?" Justin replied.

"No I was gonna see if you could take a photo with Emma ?" My dad said to Justin.

Justin looked at the ground and his smile got bigger.

"Hmm I don't know if I can.  I just said no to a few girls earlier " he replied.  Yes!

"Oh okay it's fine" my dad said. Just before he walked away Justin started talking again.

"But I will it will have to be quick tho"

"Thank you so much" my dad said taking his phone out his pocket ready to take the photo. "Go stand next to him Emma" my dad said to me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

"Get closer Emma" ugh!

I was now stood right next to him. Justin took his arm and placed it around my waist. I started to feel sick again. Not in a bad way tho I don't think. The photo got took. I moved away from him as fast as I could.

"Say thank you Emma. Me and your mum brought you up with manners" my dad said.

I turn around and said "thanks"  before I started walking off again.

"Wait before you two go can I have a hug? I always hug my fans before they go it's nice." Justin said sounding like a complete creep.

"Emma go hug him" my dad said pointing at Justin.

"No" I simply said before walking way back to where my mum was. I felt eyes burning in to my back. I knew Justin was watching me. I looked back a saw so much hurt in his eyes. He looked at me for a second than walked away. I saw my dad walking back to me he looked made.

"You are one rude child Emma!" My dad Shouted quietly at me.

" I don't like him I took a photo with him witch is what you asked me to do for lily I did it now leave me alone!" I shouted back. I know it's rude to do that but I don't have to do everything they want me to all the time.  My dad rolled his eyes at me and sat next to my mum.

The plane finally arrived. We got on and headed home.


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