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Justin's p.o.v

She walked back through the door.  She's the most gorgeous woman iv ever seen.

"Thanks for coming back" I said walking up to her taking her hand again.

"It's Okay" she replied looking at my hand locked with hers.

"So are we gonna talk about..." i spoke but she cut me off.

"Yes Justin we can...but can we go somewhere else instead of your hall way" she said giggling a little. I smiled.

"Erm yeah we can go out in the back garden or upstairs" I said removing my hand from hers because it started to sweat.

"Lets go to the garden" she replied and I walked in front of her showing her the way.

We sat down on the grass. It was warm out side.

Emma's p.o.v

I sat next to Justin. My heart was beating so fast it was unreal. I don't know if it was because I liked him, or because he wants to talk about why I walked out. I mean I know I told him but he's gonna ask me questions and all that.

"I know you're told me why you went but I just want you to talk to me. I mean we're friends right now so we need to talk instead of text all the time babe" Justin said playing with the grass.

"I know...so what do you wanna know?" I asked looking at him.

"Why haven't you been with anyone? Not like having sex with anyone just why" he said. He stopped playing with the grass and looked me in the eyes.

"Because of my parents. They won't let me go out for a walk when there home and I don't know why but they won't that's why I have no friends except you." I replied honestly.

"That's not right babe you should have a life." He said taking my hand yet again.

"I know but my parents are really stuck up, I can't do anything." I replied

"That's fucked baby" he said making my heart melt for some weird reason.

"So enough about me what about you. Have you ever had a real relationship concerning your famous and all" I asked.  All of the sudden he let go my hand and turn his head.

"Why have you gotta ask that? Does my life have anything to do with you!" He yells. I flinched away.

"It was only a question justin" I whisper to him.

"I don't give a shit if it was a question you have no right to ask me that crap!" He stood up this time I did the same.

"What's your problem?" I yell back. Well kinda.

"My problem?! My problem is that I can't have a private life with out everyone knowing and yeah I know that's what I get for being "Justin bieber" but my love life shouldn't have anything to do with anyone and it does and I'm not saying that's what fucked my relationship up, but if I wasn't famous it would be so much easier to actually be with someone. People start saying shit and hating and I lose people and fans because of that person I loved and all I try to do is right by the people that put me here today and I ended up being hurt or hurting them!" His yelling got louder and his face is 3 inches away from mine. My breathing got heavier. I'm a little  scared to be honest.  He told a deep breath.

"And Selena was one of the best things that happened to me but it's over now and I have to move on and I'm trying." He said a little calmer.

"I'm sorry for ask..." before I could continue he pressed his lips on my. His tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for entrances. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there.

"Out your mouth baby" Justin whispered to me. I did as I was told and he tongue entered. He moved his hands to my lowed back and I placed my arms around his neck. 

Justin removed his lips from mine and he went to my neck.  A little moan left my lips. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"Mmm baby I want you but I know you won't let me" he said then moved away from my neck.

"I'm sorry"  I replied feeling bad.

"Don't be" he said kissing my forehead.

"What's the time ?" I ask,not really knowing what to say or anything

"It's a little before midnight babe" he replied pulling out his phone

"Iv gotta go home" I said not knowing it was that late.

"Oh okay babe I'll text you" he said walking me in the house and getting the same guy that brought me here to take me home.

"Bye" I said giving Justin another hug.

"See you later baby" he said kissing my neck one more time. I walked out the house got in the car and went home.

Went I got home I open the door, walk upstairs into the bathroom room and take a shower. Once I was done I grabbed a towel pulled it around my body and walked up to the mirror.  I looked at myself and I see this red mark on my neck. I grabbed my phone and messaged Justin.

Emma❤️ - what have you done?!!

Justin🙄 - what you taking about.....

I sent him a photo of it.

Justin🙄 - aww baby don't worry at least you know your mine now 😜 I'm a friend way of course 😏😏😏😏


Hope you like it 😇😇

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