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Before you guys start reading, I'm really sorry I haven't been updated a lot I will try and do more. 😊❤️ hope you enjoy this chapter.


Justin p.o.v.

I woke up to shouting. I sit up not knowing where I am. I feel this body beside me. I look and it's Emma. I smile to myself. I grab my phone look at the time, it's only half five. The shouting  keeps going. I get up out of Emma's bed put my shirt on and go see what's happening.  I walk out of the room and walk towards the shouting. I think it was coming from Emma's parents room. I put my ear up to do door and listen.

"It's all your fucking fault! I wouldn't have done it if you wasn't such a cûnt!" A males voice yells. I think it's Emma's dad.

"Who was you fuckîng your slag of a co-worker why fault!"  What I think to be Emma's mum shouts back. How has Emma not woken up?

"Don't you dare fuckîng call her a slag you peace of shit" Emma's dad yells back then I heard a slapping noise. I walk away from the door in complete shock. I ran back to Emma's room.

"Emma wake up now EMMA" I yell not too loud because I didn't want her mum and dad to hear me but I needed her to wake up. I started to shake her.

"What Justin" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Your dad he has just hit your mum" I said to her. She just looks at me like she was gonna break down in to tears. How long has this been happening for.?

"Stay in here if my dads sees you your gonna be dead ill be back" she says then walks out of her room. I go and sit on her bed and listen.

Emma's p.o.v

This always fucking happens when they get back from a work trip!

I walk in to my mum and dads room and I see my dad in my mums face with his hand around her throat. It's never been this bad.

I ran over to my dad and try to push him away from my mum you could see the life coming out of her every second he still had his hands round her.  He then let go of my mum and slapped me round the face I landed of my floor.

"JUSTIN HELP ME!" I yell. Justin came running in and grabbed the back of my dads shirt and threw him to the ground. Justin got on top of my dad and start to hit him.

"Justin please stop JUSTIN!" I yell trying to get him off.  He finally stopped. He got up and came over to me.

"Are you okay? Emma?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine" I said as l was hugging my mum.

"Is your mum okay?" He asked.

"I don't know help me put her in bed please?" I asked Justin he nodded and helped me get my mum up off the floor and put her in bed.  By this time my dad was gone. Göd knows where.

"Mum what happened" I asked her.

"He slept with one of the people he works with" she said crying her heart out.  I gave her another hug to came her down.

"Go to bed sweet heart I love you." She said.

"I'm gonna go lock all the door and windows mum so he can't get back in" I said.

"I'll go do it" says Justin

"That's Justin bieber" my mum says to me looking at the door where he just walked out.

"Yeah it is I'll tell you everything later mum you need to get some rest I love you night" I said to her giving her another hug and getting off the bed and walk back to my room

Shortly after Justin came in as well he sat next to me and I just broke down crying.


Drama llama 😱

Hope you liked it 💜

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