"Napolean" by @microwavedpopcorn

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microwavedpopcorn  has succeeded in developing an engaging and thrilling plot in a narrative genre of poetry that I do not often come across in the pieces I am asked to review. The originality of the piece is where "Napoleon"'s primary strengths lie. The manipulation of the macabre to be found in this book is highly successful along with the development of the characters in terms of emotion and mental state. This therefore makes each chapter highly engaging with the short and succinct lengths of each adding to the tense, almost suffocating, suspense - urging the reader to go on and find out the next twist!

A real joy for the reader who likes suspense and a fantastic plot with expertly layered characters. I was both pleasantly surprised and gripped with "Napolean" - many thanks to the writer for exploting a form not often used in such a masterful and engaging way!

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