"The Crimson Tree" by @AlasdairMurie-Wilde

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For the time being I had ceased writing reviews in this book but had to reopen it and make and entry of recommendation of AlasdairMurie-Wilde 's "The Crimson Tree". The anthology is a real page turner, exploring new and engaging themes in each poem whilst exhibiting different uses of a range of poetic forms. The writer demonstrates real flair for imagery a lot of which can be described as stunning and particularly evocative! What's more, the poet makes use of some wonderful archaic language which rather than being merely aesthetic, serves his chosen themes and subjects very well and implements an overarching reminiscence of some of the greatest poets, the works of whom we cherish (namely the Romantics and the Lake poets).
A really enjoyable book which I whole heartedly recommend to any poetry lover. I look forward to reading the writer's future work!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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