"WORDS ON THE HORIZON" by @MadMenWearing Fedora

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True craftsmanship is evident in the work of MadMenWearingFedora who seems able to grasp his tools of metaphor, narrative voice and emotion and apply them to any situation, thought or inspiration seamlessly and to great effect.  Precision and the meticulous construction of the wide range of poetical musings is evident where each piece exhibits a original style of writing yet provokes the audience into so many different thoughts and feelings. The writer has a undisputed gift for story telling and supports this gift excellently with so many splendid language choices - the vocabulary used is second to none!  Whilst harbouring great levels of meaning, the writer leaves many of his poems open to a variety of alternative interpretations making his work all the more relatable to such a  wide scope of audience.         

Rarely do I see writers demonstrating true diversity in their work. It is quite clear that the poet is a very versatile writer who can apply exceptional language choices and exuberant metaphors to almost any theme whether it be the more emotionally charged pieces or such fantastic narrative poems all the while creating and developing a connection between reader and writer through common experiences, thoughts and feelings.  I highly recommend this book for those readers that enjoy immersing themselves in linguistically decadent yet emotionally diverse poems. A writer to keep an eye on, I certainly look forward to their future work!

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