"when worlds end." by @MiloMarinello

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Quite honestly the best and most vivid imagery I have come across in my many months of critiquing here on Wattpad. Name a descriptive technique and "when the worlds end." by MiloMarinello has used in such a vibrant and meaningful way in every instance. Each poem explores themes of such great depth and then in the exuberance of the writers imagery thousands of thoughts, feelings and ideas are conveyed to the audience. The writer is clearly gifted in these fields of description and metaphor and though the book is currently quite a short read I was so enthralled at the quality of the imagery that I read each piece twice! I highly recommend this book for the depth of the descriptive exploration alone but to top this the writer makes solid and consistent use of a variety of poetic writing conventions and verse forms. I am astounded so do give "when worlds end." a read!

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