Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a nearly a week since I turned and I was slowly slipping down hill. I was managing just fine with drinking from cups, but Charlie's father said that I needed fresh blood 'straight from the tap.' He reckoned that if I didn't get it soon I would probably die, which didn't exactly please Charlie, or me for that matter. Charlie took me on a few hunting trips in the woods. Animal blood would be better than none, but I just couldn't do it. I kept freaking out and running back inside. The first time I refused to even talk to Charlie after, although it was his fault considering he didn't even tell me what he had planned.

Tonight Charlie had come up with a new solution. He figured that he needed to get me to embrace my vampire instincts by getting me to hunt in a group rather than just me and him. As he didn't trust anyone else, only Brittany, Derek and Logan were allowed to come with. ideally, Charlie thought we would need more people for his plan to work, but he decided we would just work with what we had. Brittany was trying teach me, but I knew she was just trying to get me fired up. Charlie had his own tactics, by reminding me that I couldn't see Lisa until I drank something from a living thing.

I tried to get into the right frame of mind for the whole hunting trip. I mean after all, the meat I used to eat was dead animals. The only difference now was I was the one killing them directly... Help. I had to stop thinking about it. This was what I was now. I had to accept it and just get on with it.

"You okay? You seem stressed tonight." Charlie asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know I'm not alright. I don't want to do this." I mumbled, turning around and burying my head into the crook of his neck.

"It's tough. I remember but you can do this."

"How'd you manage it?"

"Back when I changed their wasn't blood packs. I got so thirsty that I became federal for a while. Luckily I wasn't near civilisation and took it out on a deer." He shrugged.

"Well that's the answer, we just wait till I lose it. I feel much better now." I muttered sarcastically. "Why do you think this new plan will work anyway?"

"Herd mentality." He shrugged, then paused for a minute. "You won't lose it by the way, in your current state you'll die. You're still not quite there yet."

"And if it your plan doesn't work?" I ignored the last part, which he thankfully let go.

"I haven't really thought of that yet." He shrugged leading me out of our room and out to the back of the palace. Brittany, Derek and Logan were already waiting. It was weird how nice Brittany had been to me lately. She was still blunt and everything, but we were hanging out and talking a lot more than when I was human.

"This really sucks." I moaned. I didn't realise what I had said until I looked at Charlie to see him silently chuckling. "Shut up." I glared. shaking my head.

"Come on lets get this over with and then we can go watch some of those awful movies you've been bugging me to watch." Charlie reasoned, wrapping an arm around my waist. Brittany was getting impatient so we jogged the last few steps to meet them.

"Where we heading tonight?" Derek asked.

"East. Away from wolf territory. You remember what happened last time you caught a human scent?" Charlie said, glaring at Derek.

"Hey you should be thankful. If it wasn't for me you two wouldn't be standing here together right now." Derek grinned. Charlie just shook his head and led us out. Logan and Derek ran out ahead, scooping the area while Brittany hung back for a while. I watched as her posture change as she caught the scent of something. She was gone in an instant, doing what came natural. Charlie let go of my waist and as we neared where Logan and Derek had gone. The smell of blood was suddenly think in the air, overwhelming me. Normally I would have tried to push it away, to fight against my instincts, but this time I tried to ignore the internal war of morals going on inside of my stomach and embrace the instincts.

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