Chapter Twenty One

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A week went by before the messengers returned, but once the did, they brought armies with them. In the end it was only five messengers out of ten that came back. But that meant that five armies had been brought back with them. With all the new vampires in town, the palace had to make as much room as possible, which was stressing Charlie out to no end. He just wanted to get this fight over with so he could leave all this behind.

I had kept a close eye on the situation with the humans, and by the fifth night, Ms. Godwin had managed to convince every human in town to sleep at the library. Derek had made sure earlier during the week that vampires couldn't get into the library anymore by sneaking over there and trying it. He reassured me it was fang proof. If it only it could be mutt proof as well, then the humans would have nothing to fear at all.

Lisa was taking to being a vampire even quicker than I did. We both hunted together on a regular basis to keep our strength up, that was, when she wasn't with Derek. The pair were really taking to each other. I could tell Derek was too distracted by the current events to focus too much on Lisa though. No one knew when we could be attacking, but it was bound to be soon.

Charlie was concerned about the wolves gathering strength and numbers before we were ready, so every night he was sending out a group of vampires to cause as much chaos in town as possible. Now they were no longer following the rules of the treaty, the protected areas of the town were fair game, just like the unprotected parts used to be. It become an on going competition amongst the vampires; who would get to go out the most times, and who was get the most werewolf kills. We lost a couple vampires along the way, but Charlie had to just shrug it off and put it down as necessary losses in a life changing war.

With everything going on, I often didn't see Charlie all night. Even when morning came and I couldn't stay awake any longer, he was still no where to be seen. I had seen him struggle to stay awake when I had been human and he had tried to keep me company in the mornings, so how he was managing to carry on working past sunrise was baffling to me. He did promise me that once this was all over, he would never leave my side again, and I intended on holding him to it.

After hiding out alone in our room for the first hour, I decided that I wanted to go and find Charlie and be briefed like the rest of the vampires. He had been trying to shield me from it for now, but he couldn't do it forever. Once we moved in to attack, I would need to know exactly what we were doing, just like everyone else. I marched my way into the meeting room, deciding it would be best to stay at the back. I knew Charlie had noticed me, but he said nothing.

"Our numbers simply aren't enough! We need to reach out the the clan in the east once more." One of the other clan leaders snapped. She had fiery red hair that matched her temperament.

"As I have explained Violet, I sent one of my most trusted at the same time that I sent someone to get you. He didn't return. I can only assume he has died." Charlie growled. He looked to me. Logan? I mouthed to him. He briefly nodded then just turned away. "Sending anyone else in that direction would be useless. He was one of my best and they got him." Charlie dismissed.

"The numbers we have will be enough to attack the wolves in this town. Vampires can take the town over that way and take on any wolves as they head this way. We just need to move fast." Theodore offered.

"I'm afraid that may just be wishful thinking. We all had time to get here, which means the wolves have had time to gather reinforcements too." One of the other leaders sighed ever so slightly. He appeared to be in his fifties, but in vampire years I had no idea how old he could be. He seemed far more calm than the Charlie and the four other leaders.

"I'm afraid Louie is right. The wolves numbers have definitely grown and if we don't strike now, they'll do it for us. I propose we move out at midnight." Charlie declared. They all nodded in agreement, other than Violet. "It's settled then. We move tonight."

Blood Lust (UNEDITED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora